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Duration: 397 seconds Upload Time: 07-06-02 22:33:45 User: CanadasukiCosplay :::: Favorites |
Pictures and videos of Animazement 2007! Presented to you by Canadasuki Cosplay. |
Comments | |
CanadasukiCosplay ::: Favorites And I totally joined in! XD 07-06-06 20:15:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
WrathKun ::: Favorites haha! You got my friend dancing! 07-06-12 21:25:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
ellomynameisjohnny ::: Favorites billionty bleach people. a billionty naruto people but no narutos.. Hmmm.. all anime lovers are flat-chested. finally a vash. that was the least nummber of vashes ive ever seen at an anime convention. there were at least 35 at otakon. Awesome a big fat inyuasha. kingdom hearts kid. Im going as mugen next year. Ill have the big afro if i dont cut my hair for a few monthes. for twenty bucks im sorry i missed the rave. 07-06-14 00:01:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
shadowleet13 ::: Favorites totally kick-ass you put our dance in their. i was zabuza at 31 sec, thanxs for posting this 07-06-20 15:45:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
shinralogic ::: Favorites HEY! I was on screen off an on xD -was totally rufus shinra- GO KADAJ XD 07-06-24 19:32:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
AnthyFromTheDead ::: Favorites Geez, Natalie is such a crack ho. xDDD 07-06-30 22:40:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
coolerthanusostopsta ::: Favorites rely! at :32? tgen boy do i have to talk to u!! remebr wen my siste rtried to rape u? good times good times 07-07-03 00:15:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
Furuba1 ::: Favorites Oh god! That was funny! I think I have that on video. 07-07-05 18:00:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
coolerthanusostopsta ::: Favorites lollllllllllllllll check out my space / sammi puncker !!! demyx is backround 07-07-05 18:03:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
hamtaroboy2006 ::: Favorites I hate fangirls. 07-08-01 19:37:04 _____________________________________________________ |
Friday, August 3, 2007
Animazement 2007
Re: Re: Dissapointed in Firefly515
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Duration: 95 seconds Upload Time: 07-01-30 05:00:09 User: pyrrho314 :::: Favorites |
Video Cam Direct Upload |
Comments | |
kalin666 ::: Favorites I was a bit too hopeful for firefly. It might be time to provoke jezuzfreek into trying to respond intellectually again. He never made a valid point against my monologue on evolution, i gotta keep hounding. 07-01-30 08:27:39 _____________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 190 seconds Upload Time: 07-06-21 10:56:18 User: urubutriste :::: Favorites |
0238 |
"Megaman Goes To Willamette: Part 2"
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Duration: 183 seconds Upload Time: 06-09-03 04:20:10 User: DigitalPh33r :::: Favorites |
A comedy based on the video game Dead Rising by Capcom. |
Comments | |
Speedster85258 ::: Favorites lol excelent 07-07-29 16:34:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
alehalo ::: Favorites you r a fucking douchebag this movie rocks 07-07-30 02:44:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
psp543 ::: Favorites i wanna buy buy a copy of that game dead rising...get saints row its better.......pretend i didn't say anything 07-07-31 00:04:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
alehalo ::: Favorites otherwhise ill find and ill kick ur ass. fucking douche bag ahahahah priceless 07-07-31 00:09:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
EnigmaDrew ::: Favorites make more parts thats funny shit 07-07-31 10:28:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
vlord00 ::: Favorites LMAO Bustin robot heads with my uh... mega buster and shit. 07-07-31 17:13:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
BreakX ::: Favorites LMAO! Fuck I had a Fruit Roll Up in there... 07-08-01 12:06:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
thanh320 ::: Favorites at the part 1:05 it was so funny 07-08-02 13:26:28 _____________________________________________________ | |
Manutdsucks ::: Favorites LOL i had a fruit roll up i nthere 07-08-02 20:19:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
flamebait ::: Favorites Megaman likes to cuss alot XD 07-08-02 22:38:02 _____________________________________________________ |
We gon' make love - whitest kids
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Duration: 176 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-30 22:07:28 User: TheBodcast :::: Favorites |
http://www.whitestkids.com/ |
Naruto fan flash - Buddy
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Duration: 131 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-03 21:55:19 User: xxlightdarkxx :::: Favorites |
Naruto fan flash Honors: #81 - Top Favorites (This Month) - Film & Animation #49 - Top Favorites (This Month) - Film & Animation #40 - Top Favorites (This Month) - United Kingdom |
Comments | |
puppy0091 ::: Favorites buddy I can't see! XD 07-08-01 17:53:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
sasumy ::: Favorites xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ~buddy 07-08-01 20:27:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
ShinobiLuril ::: Favorites lmao 'Chocolate me buddie' 07-08-01 22:54:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
DKF8000 ::: Favorites Homie get off me! 07-08-02 08:41:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
FoxTigerDemon ::: Favorites I know the mystery person.....Kakashi Sensai!! 07-08-02 12:27:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
Crazypandagirl ::: Favorites XD hi dude hiya buddy 'sup hommie XD!!!! 07-08-02 16:29:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
ino4shika ::: Favorites (LOL)nice vid.make one with sakura,ino,andother peoples. 07-08-02 17:21:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
kiyotea12 ::: Favorites haha 07-08-02 18:58:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
Crazypandagirl ::: Favorites no way keep it how it is SAKURA AND INO SUCK!!!!! 07-08-02 20:41:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
andrewhuynh1129 ::: Favorites this video is awsome buddy 07-08-03 00:58:21 _____________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 130 seconds Upload Time: 07-08-01 18:04:55 User: imanaddicti0n :::: Favorites |
my two all time favorite tv shows. |
Comments | |
LOTSofLOLZ ::: Favorites the shows are great 07-08-02 02:36:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
flutiecutie28 ::: Favorites Nip/Tuck is awesome! 07-08-02 04:13:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
imanaddicti0n ::: Favorites YEA!!!! 07-08-02 04:14:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
wezz84 ::: Favorites what about Lost and/or Scrubs!?!?! ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT IS THE BEST! 07-08-02 05:58:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
renegadegwp ::: Favorites Yeah Nip/Tuck is a great show... it's right up there with The Unit for my favorites. 07-08-02 11:49:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
sallyunderwood ::: Favorites i love scrubs...thats my fav but your favs are good shows too....the oc went off early too 07-08-02 17:41:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
cognitive linguistics vs. predicate logic
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Duration: 166 seconds Upload Time: 07-04-03 04:31:16 User: pyrrho314 :::: Favorites |
philosophy of cognition is more important than formal logic in this question because you have pressed logic into conclusions beyond the scope of its applicability. Logic, formal, takes principles and combines them into conclusions according to a formal system with particular characteristics and relations between the principles and conclusions. It does not define what is or is not a belief. There can be a devout atheism which is a "belief"... akin to Satan Worship within Christianity... it adopts a belief system that it then opposes point for point. Real atheism cannot be that... a type of theism, and is the rejection of a cognitive frame, specifically, the theistical frame... and is instead a word for eliminitating that frame. When the frame is eliminated one is in need of a new worldview, "atheism" cannot be that worldview, because it is not a worldview, but the rejection of a worldview. |
Comments | |
marco054 ::: Favorites So if I say i'm not a racist. Than you would say: quit defining yourself to racism? Hm. We have to deal with the world we live in. logically your right, almost in a "kicking in an open door" kind of way. But reality features theism and religion, so if we want to have an opinion about it some of us say: We are non-believers / atheists. 07-05-07 12:13:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
pyrrho314 ::: Favorites but it's true in this sense... take a higher level of dedication, lets say being "not a racist" is your life work... then yes, you would define your life in terms of racism. And if you win, what you have is not a replacement philosophy, but a clean slate. Clean slates are nice, but we shouldn't get confused, when "racism" is gone, dedicating yourself to fighting racism is also gone, and so with religion. 07-05-07 16:29:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
marco054 ::: Favorites True, atheism is not a replacement philosophy, it's a negative reaction to theism. Theism forces people to have this reaction, because of it's dominance in our culture. The replacement philosophy is e.g. humanism or naturalism. Atheism is important non the less. 07-05-11 16:51:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
pyrrho314 ::: Favorites agreed 07-05-11 17:16:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
shtosuka ::: Favorites I agree. I think many atheists are simply labeled by believers.. and about taking the position of a negative.. I also think this isn't really a choice yet.. like you say, it's still important. To defend some things which people that are atheists do believe, they have to address "reason roadblocks" until they are no longer taken seriously. 07-05-15 02:54:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
pyrrho314 ::: Favorites well put 07-05-15 14:25:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
Aarongamer ::: Favorites dont fucking label me im just a black man in this so so weird world lol 07-06-03 00:01:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
jazzguitarman ::: Favorites what about existentialism? I mean, you aren't claiming that the rejection of theism is a theistic framework, are you? It is anti-theistic, and it would be necessary if we weren't indocrinated in that way from small children. This anti-theist framework is a deconversion process neccessary to those of us looking for better and more realistic frameworks. 07-06-30 17:13:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
pyrrho314 ::: Favorites atheism can mean anti-theism or "without theism"... if it is an ideology, then it must be the former and it will share the ontology of theism but take a contrary view. If it is the latter than it is not an ideology, but merely a rejection of one, leaving a whole spectrum of non-theistic ideologies available. 07-07-04 00:45:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
jazzguitarman ::: Favorites I actually agree with that totally, I guess I'm just trying to point out that it is the starting point of ontological belief for the "deconverting", and then it can go any direction. I just find the implications of not being able to separate oneself from that ideology difficult, perhaps if religion and philosophy were on equal terms for explaining your paradigm, it might be easier to except. 07-07-12 02:26:06 _____________________________________________________ |
Samara Morgan's Cursed Video [The Ring]
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Duration: 110 seconds Upload Time: 06-04-17 23:21:17 User: niltonbr :::: Favorites |
Samara Morgan's Cursed Video of The Ring the movie ------- Vídeo almadiçoado de Samara Morgan do filme O Chamado (The Ring) ------- - www.fotolog.com/OChamado - www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=190555 |
Comments | |
TheCurseOfTheRing ::: Favorites Ehmmm guys i need u to tell me ur phones couse i lost my agenta so with ur phones so...i need u to tell me ur phones 1by1 so i can call u at 22:00 and tell u that u ll die in 7 days is that okay with ya? 07-07-29 08:20:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
eRev21 ::: Favorites Wtf is up with the spinning chair? And how is a ladder supposed to be scary? OH SHIT IT FELL DEATH TIME 07-07-29 18:05:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
kiloton5352 ::: Favorites what r those at :20 07-07-29 18:38:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
TheCurseOfTheRing ::: Favorites You Will die in 7 days if you dont sent this message to another person on this world the curse wil hunt you till 7 days pass.Post this to other videos to live and transfer the curse for your own good.Samara δγκγφνδσκλγφξοσβηφγβηθε δξγφνδσφθγνσ ξθνφγσ θξ φγσξδ'] 07-07-30 03:49:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
ImmortalNaraku ::: Favorites I'm lucky Samara and I are such good friends. Or else she'd have killed me by now. 07-07-30 13:26:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
libra2482 ::: Favorites lmfao! 07-07-31 18:44:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
libra2482 ::: Favorites i used to be so fuckin scared of this movie but after seeing it like 1000 times its not scary but...its been a while since i've last seen it and....im kinda scared..lol 07-07-31 18:47:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
DraconisMalfoy ::: Favorites its a comb going through hair... I think anyway :P 07-08-01 10:21:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
zperra ::: Favorites OMG!! I'M GONNA DIE IN 7 DAYS!!!!1 07-08-02 13:45:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
carilynshowschickru ::: Favorites check out CAMAZONDATING dot COM for hot adult dating webcams 07-08-02 18:30:54 _____________________________________________________ |
Rodney Dangerfield Stand-Up 5
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Duration: 127 seconds Upload Time: 07-02-25 16:04:45 User: Runzzz5 :::: Favorites |
Rodney Dangerfield Stand-Up |
Comments | |
leebouldog ::: Favorites Legend. Didnt realise so many jokes people us in the street everyday came from this man. 07-06-03 14:19:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
mrdrums49 ::: Favorites True genius. I saw him one New Years Eve and he did 90 minutes of one liners, INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!! 07-06-08 09:14:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
gareof ::: Favorites The greatest comics make fun of themselves in their jokes. (Youngman, Benny, Cosby, the Cable guy). Not like many of the comics today that make fun of regular folks on the street (Green, Borat, pimps, etc.) 07-06-10 16:12:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
silenttakuza ::: Favorites yeah me either. seemingly a lot of the one-liners we know come from him 07-06-28 13:37:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
bond2121 ::: Favorites this guy has the funniest fucking jokes ever. Hes a legend 07-07-13 12:28:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
ILoveLucyE68NY ::: Favorites Rodney was the FUNNIEST EVER !!! 07-07-13 23:31:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
JamesFury ::: Favorites funniest bastard ever!!! 07-07-15 21:43:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
haruba ::: Favorites Rodney Dangerfield's the fuckin maaan RIP yo 07-07-15 23:44:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
Zorn76 ::: Favorites delivers the joke like nobody else; that's the magic. u give these same lines to anyone else and they suck. genius... 07-07-25 03:44:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
risenfromthedead ::: Favorites A guy like George Carlin, at his best, would rely on impersonations, wit, stories, rhymes...but he hardly ever made fun of himself. Dangerfield and guys like Woody Allen rely solely on their own "pathetic" lives. People like Tom Green and David Letterman (way back) would poke fun at society and ordinary folks. Mitch Hedberg, Dave Chappelle, Steve Martin, Lenny Bruce, Rich Pryor...all these comedians had their own styles. Stop trying to say which best and just appreciate comedy for what it is. 07-08-03 00:04:50 _____________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 145 seconds Upload Time: 07-06-27 22:12:54 User: urubutriste :::: Favorites |
0358 |
Judas Priest - The Hellion/Electric Eye - Riding on the Wind
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Duration: 447 seconds Upload Time: 06-12-03 15:39:44 User: TWBalls :::: Favorites |
Judas Priest Performing The Hellion/Electric Eye and Riding on the Wind. Recorded Dec. 12 1982 at Mid South Coliseum, Memphis, TN. on the Screaming for Vengeance Tour. |
Comments | |
Green222Manalishi ::: Favorites Judas Priest is more powerful, original, Priests are better musicians 07-07-07 07:06:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
gunsdf ::: Favorites why???, the clothes??? you are kidding. 07-07-13 01:18:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
DaveTheMetalGod ::: Favorites Hah..Yo..these songs are absolutly amazing to play on drums to..Especially Riding On The Wind! On another note..It's a shame they didn't have the robot out for Hellion/Electric Eye like they did when Priest hit Minneapolis in '82 (Got that info from my dad). Absolutly one of the most influencial bands in history. DEFEND THE FAITH! 07-07-16 00:05:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
gibsonLPS ::: Favorites glenn tipton looks like the guitarist from venom in this video 07-07-18 03:19:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
CelticKatie ::: Favorites While Turbo was fairly cheesy and less "metal" as a whole, it had some good songs. With Ram It Down, they started back to the "heavy" part of heavy metal but still not quite the Priest. Ripper didn't take priest back...if ANYONE had an influence on their style, it was Scott Travis. Just listen to Painkiller... 07-07-20 20:45:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
nitroxxxxx ::: Favorites But listen to whole Priest sound, and to the Glenn's solo album. I think that's the Glenn made the most of Priest sound. 07-07-23 14:31:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
geweili ::: Favorites "Vengeance" is textbook metal, and a cornerstone, but don't overlook the significance of "Point of Entry." It marks the transition from the earlier Priest aesthetic with their post-1981 sensibility. Lyrically the album leaves the campier gay themes on "British Steel," becoming more political. Rob had found his stride. He and the band then took it a step further with "Screaming for Vengeance." Read your Foucault and then you'll appreciate the gaze of authority/conformity that is "Electric Eye." 07-07-25 12:56:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
westman2003 ::: Favorites Homo band 07-07-25 16:50:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
CelticKatie ::: Favorites My comment was directed to Randy 2045 who said Ripper brought Priest back to metal. Yeah, I agree with you that Tipton is probably the main influence in the Priest sound, but for influences of members that joined later, Travis' drumming style REALLY opened up new ground for Judas Priest. Painkiller was a dramatic and heavy change in style from Ram It Down. 07-07-26 05:45:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
nitroxxxxx ::: Favorites Yes. Scott, has the most influence in the Priest sound overall though..he just joined 1990, not like the Glenn, from the beggining of the Judas. So, overall, I think, Glenn made the sound, and Scott, finished it. 07-07-26 05:48:22 _____________________________________________________ |
Multimedia message (05-29-07_1115.3gp)
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Duration: 16 seconds Upload Time: 07-05-29 13:21:24 User: jaredmease :::: Favorites |
`i~spy`i~sky;-) |
Saluti Italiano!
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Duration: 419 seconds Upload Time: 07-05-01 19:48:05 User: JoeyCappellino :::: Favorites |
Ciao a tutti. Scuzi della cigaretta e la soda! |
Comments | |
diiivvvaaa ::: Favorites Mi e' piaciuto il tuo video ciao Joey 07-05-11 08:47:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
Gizzeta ::: Favorites Ma a casa chi lingua parlati, Joey? 07-05-28 13:08:28 _____________________________________________________ | |
JoeyCappellino ::: Favorites Ehh... nnu puoco Italiano, nu puoco Americano... 07-05-28 22:48:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
Gizzeta ::: Favorites Bonu, bonu. Continua sempri accussì, mi raccumannu. 07-06-02 14:43:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
JoeyCappellino ::: Favorites Gizzeta... sei napolitana, sicilianu, o calabrese? Grazie per il comment. Saluti e buonasera. 07-06-03 22:48:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
Diddoddi ::: Favorites la lingua che parli non puo essere definita italiano. 07-07-09 10:02:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
JoeyCappellino ::: Favorites E Grecia? E Germanese? E Calabrese. Grazie =) 07-07-09 18:53:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
JoeyCappellino ::: Favorites Davero non c'e la lingua propria "Italiana" c'i sone l'indialetti. Calabrese, Napolitano, Sicilianu, et et. Si c'e nna lingua Romana, si parla nel Centro Italia... Roma, et. Sud Italia tutto parlano l'Indialetto del suo provincia. 07-07-09 18:55:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
Gizzeta ::: Favorites Sugnu sicilianu. ;) 07-08-01 16:35:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
JoeyCappellino ::: Favorites Che magnifica! Di dove nella Sicilia? Tutti noi della sud italia siamo moltissimi allegre, contente, e felice. 07-08-01 19:39:08 _____________________________________________________ |
Bum bum, bum bum, bum bum the Shark
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Duration: 23 seconds Upload Time: 07-04-08 21:13:26 User: hatchatman :::: Favorites |
Bumbumbumbumbumbumbum |
Comments | |
xDORPSGEKJE ::: Favorites I totalli LOVE this movie of yours xD 07-06-06 10:32:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
stiffkey1 ::: Favorites this is crap.weirdo! 07-06-20 15:55:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
hatchatman ::: Favorites if i had a dollar for every time you said "Horseshoes are the bluest ponies ever", I would rip out an old guy's eyeballs, attatch them to my inner nostril, and say the magic words, "Bon licki wicki, lon peency weency!!!" 07-06-20 16:07:44 _____________________________________________________ |
trippy weed lsd video
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Duration: 217 seconds Upload Time: 06-07-12 16:38:01 User: richieitchykid :::: Favorites |
trippy weed lsd video |
Comments | |
02mkivvr6 ::: Favorites Fuck your couch. Fuck u 07-07-28 18:01:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
PolishOG ::: Favorites this is like Nazi propaganda shit 07-07-29 13:42:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
TheRealXst ::: Favorites Jesus you must be 16 years old. Don't you recognize the fact that just because he had a bunch of cartoon hiler youth doing a sieg heil does not imply that the artist advocates Nazism. Quite the opposite, I believe he just put that in there to trip people out. It's a wonder any of you can even eat by yourself or wipe your own ass. What happened to critical thinking? View the video for what it is. Stop filtering your experience through the lenses of distorted perception. 07-07-29 16:19:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
atdi453 ::: Favorites fuck jews 07-07-30 00:17:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
xintoxoblivionx ::: Favorites WTF Nazi? 07-07-30 01:34:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
zer0sicks ::: Favorites Bahaha it claims to be original music by This "simply midget" character but the song in the background is actually a song called "hip hop be bop (dont stop)" from some dude named man parrish.....all this kid did was slowed it down and put a Disney anti nazi cartoon to it. Google it. 07-07-30 01:53:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
zer0sicks ::: Favorites Oh yeah i figured it out cus i was watching Shawn of the dead and they started listening to techno albums and i realized it sounded just like this videos song. 07-07-30 01:55:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
h1imcam3r0nn ::: Favorites tight vid its anti nazism. hes not a nazi dumbshits 07-07-31 16:36:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
titOskuUn ::: Favorites why the fuck you are discussing that??, you better prove this video high...oh my god, those images those iamges, that magician ohh my god!!! 07-08-01 11:55:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
Outlaw6869 ::: Favorites I have had this video on my computer for 2 years. 07-08-03 00:35:38 _____________________________________________________ |
i Think We're lost.
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Duration: 146 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-14 15:00:25 User: btayswiki :::: Favorites |
another video that makes no sense haha i love kris |
Comments | |
finallyfound1112 ::: Favorites hahahaa I love you guys 07-07-16 22:36:35 _____________________________________________________ |