Friday, August 3, 2007

An introductory Youtube Song

Duration: 146 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-27 01:54:26
User: Hughsnews
:::: Favorites

This is all a joke so please don't go around telling me I am jealous etc. Hope you like it Song- Favorite Things Karaoke- Sing the Sound of Music and the Phantom of the Opera

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Hughsnews ::: Favorites
ha ha thanks mate.. but I don't think they want to feature me :-(
07-06-09 23:58:34
skooterx ::: Favorites
07-06-10 20:01:30
girlietexan ::: Favorites
Your the cutest!
07-06-11 06:09:42
Vorkagen ::: Favorites
No, keep singing. Your public demands it! Well at least I do.
07-06-12 09:07:10
musosf ::: Favorites
You know, it doesn't really matter if your singing voice is lacking - creativity wins out every time! I'd be glad to guest-sing one of your brilliant compositions. Very cool sum-up of what this YouTube thing is all about. Sorry to thwart your cause Hugh, but I don't want you to rise to the stratosphere of the most-subscribed. I still want you to be the Non-Star/Mid-Star that you are. But I doubt that'll last for long. :)
07-06-13 13:17:06
XiangMiyu ::: Favorites
I love you Hugh!
07-06-20 12:54:26
imajeanyus ::: Favorites
this is awesome.
07-06-21 21:56:23
celticnooneson ::: Favorites
'Gotta spruce 'em up a little to get attention 'eh? Oh well...reluctantly... I offer this: Dog Retrieves Duck, whatta ya think?
07-06-26 16:39:39
kerhascoet ::: Favorites
What I love is the time and effort you put into this. Hugh well done do you keep going?
07-07-13 10:21:08
BrigidMhairi ::: Favorites
I think this is very, very deep. Very cute and I think you are so cool Mr News. Thank you. xBrigid
07-07-15 17:17:25

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