Friday, August 3, 2007

Rodney Dangerfield Stand-Up 5

Duration: 127 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-25 16:04:45
User: Runzzz5
:::: Favorites

Rodney Dangerfield Stand-Up

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leebouldog ::: Favorites
Legend. Didnt realise so many jokes people us in the street everyday came from this man.
07-06-03 14:19:13
mrdrums49 ::: Favorites
True genius. I saw him one New Years Eve and he did 90 minutes of one liners, INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!
07-06-08 09:14:08
gareof ::: Favorites
The greatest comics make fun of themselves in their jokes. (Youngman, Benny, Cosby, the Cable guy). Not like many of the comics today that make fun of regular folks on the street (Green, Borat, pimps, etc.)
07-06-10 16:12:22
silenttakuza ::: Favorites
yeah me either. seemingly a lot of the one-liners we know come from him
07-06-28 13:37:54
bond2121 ::: Favorites
this guy has the funniest fucking jokes ever. Hes a legend
07-07-13 12:28:02
ILoveLucyE68NY ::: Favorites
Rodney was the FUNNIEST EVER !!!
07-07-13 23:31:13
JamesFury ::: Favorites
funniest bastard ever!!!
07-07-15 21:43:36
haruba ::: Favorites
Rodney Dangerfield's the fuckin maaan RIP yo
07-07-15 23:44:02
Zorn76 ::: Favorites
delivers the joke like nobody else; that's the magic. u give these same lines to anyone else and they suck. genius...
07-07-25 03:44:47
risenfromthedead ::: Favorites
A guy like George Carlin, at his best, would rely on impersonations, wit, stories, rhymes...but he hardly ever made fun of himself. Dangerfield and guys like Woody Allen rely solely on their own "pathetic" lives. People like Tom Green and David Letterman (way back) would poke fun at society and ordinary folks. Mitch Hedberg, Dave Chappelle, Steve Martin, Lenny Bruce, Rich Pryor...all these comedians had their own styles. Stop trying to say which best and just appreciate comedy for what it is.
07-08-03 00:04:50

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