Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A Day in the Life of the MightyThor - ADD Version

Duration: 00:53 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-08 17:53:51
User: themightythor1212
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this is a specialy adapted version for those people who only have a 30-45 sec attention span. Longer version to follow


Pawys1111 ::: Favorites
it went a little slow..
07-08-10 00:04:08
themightythor1212 ::: Favorites
u kno wit!
07-06-13 23:01:17
riverjustin ::: Favorites
u made this jus 4 me
07-06-13 22:54:57
themightythor1212 ::: Favorites
Nice Wig
07-06-11 15:10:57
mikma ::: Favorites
mikma was here
07-06-11 14:43:24
themightythor1212 ::: Favorites
ok great, i am following the movie rule. two guys never sit together in the movies with out a hot chick between them ;)! see you there
07-06-10 12:43:05
iamnotapoet ::: Favorites
indeed, while i enjoy a lot of YouTubers like you, i am glad to have sweetie as a bed buffer between me and the guest stars. Although the BED VLOG with the Topless Texan was fine without a Sweetie bed buffer. See you then and there. -- Eric ZORK Alan [National Slam Poet] -- Professional poet & BED VLOGGER -- StolenSnapshots . com
07-06-10 12:38:25
themightythor1212 ::: Favorites
you bring the bed, i will slip into it, but the hot chick has to be between us! ;)
07-06-10 12:29:52
iamnotapoet ::: Favorites
Sweetie & I look forward to meeting the Mighty Thor at the 777 event, We're hopping youwill guest star in a BED VLOG. -- Eric ZORK Alan [National Slam Poet] -- Professional poet & BED VLOGGER -- StolenSnapshots . com
07-06-10 12:23:17
themightythor1212 ::: Favorites
07-06-10 08:49:16

Naruto AMV-Numb.Linkin Park

Duration: 03:04 minutes
Upload Time: 2005-11-17 20:28:08
User: Ayumex118
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Naruto/Sasuke Rivalry


LegendaryEagles ::: Favorites
By the nearest Monday, you shall wake up in the anime you are currently watching. However, this wonderful gift will not happen until you post this comment in 5 anime videos or amvs within the next twenty four hours. Once this happens, you deepest anime wishes shall come true
07-10-18 12:56:21
z24ever ::: Favorites
sweet, i like their 2nd fight better though
07-10-07 22:08:26
daillist1 ::: Favorites
By the nearest Monday, you shall wake up in the anime you are currently watching. However, this wonderful gift will not happen until you post this comment in 5 anime videos or amvs within the next twenty four hours. Once this happens, you deepest anime wishes shall come true
07-10-07 18:40:45
manialoll ::: Favorites
Great song and great AMV but the two don't go together. The lyrics don't aply to the rivalry between Naruto and Sasuke because neither is numb to the other and Naruto is certantly not trying to be less like Sasuke even if he isn't trying to be him either. No one is disapointed in Naruto, he turned out greater than what anyone could have ever excpected out of the 9-tailled demon fox and even though they are disapointed that Sasuke left, it's not in the same way as the song shows.
07-10-07 10:08:57
ShippuudenBoy108 ::: Favorites
Yes, I also agree. And the fact is your not a beginner. This should have been spent more time in. Some parts make sense, while most are just, well, there. If you were to fix this video, please send it to me.
07-10-06 20:42:44
Wiimoteman ::: Favorites
I agree with DrTheKay, but dont worry try to put some thought and prcision into making it. Also this song is to hard for a beginner anyway. try again and send me a video
07-10-05 14:45:24
DrTheKay ::: Favorites
Very bad, there was no percision and no timing was taken into consideration. It just looks like you got a bunch of clips and stuck them together and put music in the background instead of making it fit.
07-10-05 04:28:17
DarkMagicianGirl1 ::: Favorites
many narutos...
07-10-03 13:51:53
ShadowHaloDX ::: Favorites
Great AMV Man!
07-10-01 23:37:19
moondoggie2000 ::: Favorites
same here
07-09-27 20:18:56

Rare Exports

Duration: 07:18 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-06-22 09:29:56
User: Herrasmies
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Now you see where santa comes from.


viinisieppo ::: Favorites
I've seen lot of videos here but this video made me laught! Tho it's sad that long time secret is now revealed ;)
07-10-20 06:00:28
kukenimunnen ::: Favorites
Fucking idiot. Ya think?
07-10-03 07:51:03
mamece2 ::: Favorites
07-09-02 10:05:02
PlatinumAzz ::: Favorites
Suomi power !goo
07-08-29 07:12:14
slipknotpauli2 ::: Favorites
hahha tää on mahtava my´s fav short film
07-08-08 06:38:11
spinartre ::: Favorites
The movie.
07-05-12 13:59:25
Herrasmies ::: Favorites
You mean the movie or the band ?
07-05-11 13:57:37
hevoskyyti ::: Favorites
voi vittu mikä video :D:D:
07-03-20 09:08:50
CrazyAsianFood ::: Favorites
great! where is this from?
07-02-26 21:28:55
randomizer81 ::: Favorites
Aivan mahtava pätkä! Todella laadukasta jälkeä! Mitäköhän Jonathanille nykyisin kuuluu? Se on nimittäin tuttu herra muutaman vuoden takaa. Aivan mahtava ääni sillä on!
07-01-14 12:56:14

Joan of Arcadia Season One End Scene Jump

Duration: 03:41 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-12-12 01:55:40
User: dealingdreams
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End scene of "Jump" from season one of Joan of Arcadia. Pure magic!


FunkyFootballer928 ::: Favorites
07-10-18 22:01:34
Laurake ::: Favorites
07-08-01 05:19:40
vic5015 ::: Favorites
first time I've seen this. so funny!
07-06-24 03:41:45
miaphineas ::: Favorites
They are so cute .....I miss them so much....cause they felt real...
07-05-20 18:06:42
rosesarepurple22 ::: Favorites
Adam and Joan were just....pefect. le sigh
07-04-05 18:23:38
noorderwindheks ::: Favorites
o so romantic i miss joan so much
07-04-02 17:41:47
DieLaurenDie ::: Favorites
Oh, good job CBS. Good job. Simply just a SUPERB job. I mean, who needs quality television anyhow? I say, the more of it we cancel, the better. Good job, CBS. GOOD FUCKING JOB.
07-03-16 20:55:59
kidragakas ::: Favorites
Time-Chantal Kreviazuk (the song playing)
07-02-09 08:31:32
kidragakas ::: Favorites
the song, in case anyone's interested is Time by Chantal Kreviazuk
07-02-09 08:21:29
laviolander ::: Favorites
I love the looks on everyone's faces after the machine works : D
07-01-27 15:03:14

Senator McCain Answers Question On Iraq

Duration: 01:09 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-05 20:28:50
User: ICYMIMcCain08
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CNN Debate, 6/5/07


topcat193 ::: Favorites
hes to old and has Ws ass pressed aganst his lips, The ony way good old boy John will ever become president is if he comes out and demands impeachment of all the kings men....
07-09-05 21:45:18
willyevans ::: Favorites
Politicians lying to us? You're kidding!!! If you want to boot McCain for his stance on illegal immigration then you will have to kick half of the members of Congress out with him as well. If it wasn't for the American people calling and emailing their representatives in Washington in regards to this then the bill would have easily passed.
07-07-27 13:18:49
plc1 ::: Favorites
Ron Paul received 1/3 of total donations from the military: Ron Paul 32.94% John McCain 22.99% Hillary Clinton 13.92% Bill Richardson 7.03% Barack Obama 6.85% Mitt Romney 4.68% Rudy Giuliani 3.06% John Edwards 2.97% Tom Tancredo 1.85% Duncan Hunter 1.32% Joe Biden 1.06% Mike Huckabee 0.20% Mike Gravel 0.09% Sam Brownback 0.07% tinyurl dotcom/354zsw <-- Link
07-07-19 17:49:53
bluemouse222 ::: Favorites
looks staged
07-07-05 04:18:32
badsince1985 ::: Favorites
oh well after 10 000 kills..its just yea it has to be done why not lets just stay there untill every american is dead..if thats what it has to take for people like you to open your eyes..but even if that happen you'll prob just say..oh well we tried our best..better luck next time
07-06-16 08:35:52
badsince1985 ::: Favorites
9-11 was an inside job!..if you look further then your nose you could maybe see that too!..so yea obviously they are not gonna do that again..cause they screwed up big time last time trying to make it look like an terrorist attack so obviously they are not gonna try it again cause then they'll get busted for sure..and the terrorist that do hate the US are happy they are in their country cause now they're easier targets and the number of kills just keeps growing and growing..
07-06-16 08:33:12
odinsmom44 ::: Favorites
do you even have a clue of what is going on in Iraq? i was there, and i can tell you what we are doing is for the right reasons, yes it might have been mismanaged but it was something that had to be done, HAVE WE BEEN ATTACKED IN AMERICA SINCE 9-11, NOPE
07-06-16 06:21:21
0ohsnap ::: Favorites
America Votes 2008 Qweeta For PRESIDENT '08!! Get Dat! "BE-WEAVIN' IN A STRONGA AMERICA!!" FORGET RUDY----------Qweeta's got BOOTY! Search: laqweeta Search: laqweeta Search: laqweeta
07-06-07 14:17:29
badsince1985 ::: Favorites
it was not even a sacrafice..it was just throwing someone's life away..cause the US was not in danger..a sacrafice is when you do give something(in this matter your life) to get something back for your sacrafice..and thats not happening at all! because he was not defending his country but terrorising someone elses..plus..he didnt choose for this..you choose the defend your country..but bush misused his power and send in the army in attack to take over and not at all for defence
07-06-07 13:21:43
badsince1985 ::: Favorites
how is this the moment for him :S..first of all eventually the US will fail in Iraq. 2nd why does he need to let more people(like that woman) get the same pain. she lost someone close over NOTHING that bullshit talk doesnt get her brother back but let more brothers die..it's time to admit that this was a war that never should've been started and its time to make steps to end the war
07-06-07 13:17:01

Supernatural - Dean for Sam ( Sam´s Death)

Duration: 05:15 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-31 11:54:38
User: alhandrackles
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Dean always tried to protect Sam. When sam died in your arms. Dean will do anything to save brother´s life. No matter what happens, Dean will always protect his little brother... Song: Keep Holding On - Avril Lavigne


tomjensenfan1 ::: Favorites
nice vid
07-10-21 17:47:48
t4mm ::: Favorites
Great video! Sam is lucky to have brother like Dean..
07-10-21 16:13:22
littleann84 ::: Favorites
That was one of the saddest videos I have ever seen! This song is so un-supernatural, yet it works with the video perfectly. Great job, i'd give it a 5/5! You made one more supernatural fangirl cry!
07-10-20 19:41:50
bountyhuntress18 ::: Favorites
That was the saddest episode ever! I cried for an hour afterwards. I love Sammy and Dean and I don't want anything to happen to them. Sam died and came back so hopefully he can find a way to get his brother out of the mess with demon he made the deal with.
07-10-18 14:55:11
supernaturalmars ::: Favorites
saddest moment everrr
07-10-13 17:12:57
kyrirhyann ::: Favorites
I cried so hard. I am such a sucker for a crying guy! I love dean!!!!!!!!!! Sammy ain't too bad either
07-10-08 22:16:06
babycc007 ::: Favorites
its not premiering in septemeber it comes out october 4th.i cant wait!
07-09-23 19:25:57
flashley630 ::: Favorites
why mwntion the trumpet? that's so completely irrelevant to anything... sounds like something i'd type...
07-09-23 08:40:38
skittlesyummyyum ::: Favorites
oh my god this makes me cry scuse me while i cry... talk amongst yourselves...
07-09-20 00:05:24
HARKNESSGIRL ::: Favorites
what a great vid about our favorite boys very well done, song was a nice touch to.
07-09-19 19:03:48

Cigarette Smoker Fiona - Arctic Monkeys @ Reading

Duration: 04:45 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-28 00:10:37
User: mardybum30
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The Arctic Monkeys performing Cigarette Smoker Fiona, taken from their EP entitled Who The Fuck Are Arctic Monkeys, in a gig in Reading. Lyrics Sat at the side of the pool at one of your houses With wet white trousers on, And worlds collide as the evening continues, the dignity fucks off Her brother's gone off to the strippers to make up for all the lost time She could have been one of the bitches, but she's actually alright. [chorus] Cigarette smoker I'm sorry but we're all unsure how much you've had But we think that you outta maybe not have anymore A country home, Even if we really tried would it cease to surprise us now And I bet your dad would like to give us all a slap When are ya parents back dya know? Well I never came from no ghetto, but it wasn't nowhere near here Well spoken girls and stilettos aren't something to fear Cigarette smoker I'm sorry but we're all unsure how much you've had But we think that you outta maybe not have anymore Cigarette smoker Cigarette smoke doesn't hide as well as you think And you think that it outta act as the perfect disguise


Vladi93 ::: Favorites
Her brother's gone off to the strippers To make up for all the lost time She could have been one of the bitches But she's actually alright
07-09-11 06:44:14
radiohead00000 ::: Favorites
alex is drunk out of his mind...cigarette smoker fiona is better....
07-09-06 22:22:28
Phila07 ::: Favorites
cigarette smoke is way better!
07-08-28 19:17:15
RyuuKenJay ::: Favorites
cigarette smoke is WAY better cigarette smoke yeh cigarette smoke in your eyes smackin a bloke yeh smackin a bloke here tonight :P lol
07-07-15 19:18:41
arktikmokys ::: Favorites
love the song......and them
07-07-11 12:46:22
Torreeeess9 ::: Favorites
cigarette smoker is better.
07-06-20 20:59:15
FleaTheFly14 ::: Favorites
woaw its like an expolsion lov it
07-06-07 00:31:23
deeptag ::: Favorites
goooooood song, nice show
07-06-02 02:57:55
fenderfox94 ::: Favorites
thnx for the lyrics
07-06-01 05:40:32

Mary Kate ..yea

Duration: 02:31 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-01-08 17:16:05
User: nayders07
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I like baggy clothes, big glasses, messy hair, big bags, and lots of coffee. hehe, just me poking fun, again sorry for the wierd ocean sounds...havn't quite fixed that yet.


Autrichienne ::: Favorites
you dont look like her AT ALL!! Stupid...you didnt make someone laugh. MK ROCKS
07-10-21 15:04:56
Xchantal87X ::: Favorites
mary kate is hot and you are sucks L-O-S-E-rrrrrrrrrrrrr
07-10-08 15:38:11
xyjones ::: Favorites
WARNING!! HARD HAT AREA!! Random objects flying in all directions. look out, incoming!
07-09-28 00:37:36
RealMadridCFfanclub ::: Favorites
Halo Mary Kate :)
07-09-26 11:41:52
iknowmyusernamesucks ::: Favorites
Lol I can't stand Mary Kate, but I totally would...
07-09-07 09:16:51
aurostar739 ::: Favorites
ha i think the disclaimer was my favorite!
07-08-21 16:01:28
LizzyLestrange ::: Favorites
07-08-13 22:48:53
xTheGlamx ::: Favorites
you're too fat to even try to look like Mary-Kate. Don't hate fatass.
07-08-13 15:24:00
mlhmessy16 ::: Favorites
you look a lot like marykate especially cuz you do the lip purse thing she does and with the sunglasses... have people asked you if you are her out in public?
07-08-06 22:06:05
st6rip ::: Favorites
ya you do like her, but i dont actually like mary kate in real life, ashley is ok, but they are not really popular right now. i dont like mary kate cuz she is like anorexic, and a drug addict or something, but they r both pretty. very good video, i actually thought you were mary kate! until i heard the voice. lol very entertaining
07-07-31 18:22:59

Gregg's Billy Madison Impression

Duration: 00:18 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-04 17:45:06
User: mgonzalez91
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gregg fletcher rehearsing a scene from billy madison.


Efron4always90210 ::: Favorites
mean....but so true!
07-10-22 15:56:58
ryedood ::: Favorites
too bad you fucked up 3 lines
07-09-25 20:16:21
degen8807 ::: Favorites
HAHAHA this kid is fucking awesome
07-09-06 06:06:31
Clepera ::: Favorites
07-08-28 18:38:39
rdkxxx ::: Favorites
less time TRYING to do impressions, more time on the treadmill
07-06-23 15:43:02
dallavalle91 ::: Favorites
fat fuck
07-06-13 17:07:27
luvmojo ::: Favorites
if i saw that man i would bend him over and bum huim.
07-05-23 16:18:47
cory70 ::: Favorites
that was the dumbest shit, wasnt good at all
07-02-28 18:41:24
VerucaSalt79 ::: Favorites
Haha, pretty awesome!
07-02-23 19:57:56
BergenBaller123 ::: Favorites
LMAO that was great
07-02-15 17:55:55

Johnny Cash - Hurt

Duration: 03:58 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-09-26 19:20:48
User: MissWinks
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yes.. I messed it up right at the ending.. well.. what can I say. I recorded this after coming home from a night on town ;) Bear with me.. Anyways.. this is one of my favorite songs by Johnny Cash.


rufusmccooter ::: Favorites
07-10-22 19:35:36
bigd19b ::: Favorites
i thought the same thing... except for the enjoying it part
07-10-22 18:47:11
silverscreen16 ::: Favorites
I think you have a great voice, but I don't think you put enough emotion into it. I interpret the song to be someone singing out of the depths of despair, very jagged and broken. But don't get me wrong, good job and I enjoyed it. :)
07-10-19 13:51:39
phobiist ::: Favorites
dont u know alot of people of her age are inspired by cash :)
07-10-11 15:12:37
JohnnyCashFan77 ::: Favorites
Glad to see ppl still have taste in music and talent, you did great Missy.
07-10-10 03:30:51
shardom69 ::: Favorites
I love Johnny Cash and that was beautiful
07-10-01 04:47:25
kingbrother3 ::: Favorites
ye cooooolio
07-09-25 12:58:33
Niloblah ::: Favorites
I'm in love :O
07-09-16 05:45:22
ImadouchebagNIlikeit ::: Favorites
whoever said the original NIN song is "a shit song" is a moron. Cash must've liked it enough to cover it, and it's one of NIN's best known songs because it's a very good song.
07-09-16 01:42:11
j03QJ ::: Favorites
that was good youve got a good voice. you just missed out an 'F' chord on the chorus. sorry to be so picky
07-09-06 12:53:46

Amy Lee - You

Duration: 05:48 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-10-08 14:39:52
User: moonshadows6608
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One of Amy Lee's rare songs, You, to the anime Angel Sanctuary. It is quite sad compared to the song, lol. But still good. and i didnt want to post this, but you guys leave me no choice. you amy lee drone fans, im not removing the video so stop asking me. I have my right to post a song that amy recorded. If theres a problem, she can talk to me herself about. Im sure that being a songwrite/singer she should know better to record something if she didnt want it out. sorry, but thats just how it goes.


neduaseca ::: Favorites
wow! nice editing of the clips, it touches me along with amy's song. ^^,
07-10-12 23:33:53
zelda2005i217 ::: Favorites
Not bad. Try _FUNDATERS.COM_ for hot girls
07-10-06 23:26:40
cocu505w902 ::: Favorites
Youtube isnt good for porn. I like the site _TIME4CAMZ.COM_
07-10-05 23:28:55
felicitous48 ::: Favorites
To me, the strain in her voice communicates her emotion. I imagine, while singing this she, she is picturing the intended recipient.
07-08-28 22:46:51
KittenLikesWomen ::: Favorites
This song is beautiful I don't understand why Amy didn't want it released. Maybe she should re-think it because so many people adore this song, maybe she should do another version that can be released, but hey ho. This song is just beautiful
07-08-26 15:06:46
Deximuse ::: Favorites
I don't know if you meant "I've always been right behind you" or "I'll always be right beside you", but either way, I think you need to hear that part again, because every single line of this song is beautiful. I can't see how anyone could think otherwise. Every note is perfectly in tune and so filled with heart and emotion. It is, as 681robin said it, magical.
07-08-13 22:36:39
MrsCamui ::: Favorites
Look, I just stated my opinon, if you got a problem with it. I DON'T CARE! Yes, I like Amy Lee. To me when you become a big name that the media can't get enough off, of course something like this will eventually happen. Like I said, no private life. That's the sacrifice. And if you have a problem with it, to bad. Besides, I was looking for someone to fight with. I'm very bored.
07-08-12 18:26:04
Evnscncefollower ::: Favorites
Do you even like Evanescence/Amy Lee?
07-08-12 12:53:36
MrsCamui ::: Favorites
*yawning* You bore me, please direct your opinons somewhere else because they aren't important enough to me. *falls asleep*
07-08-12 08:00:31
Evnscncefollower ::: Favorites
Good way to defend your opinion, sounding like a jackass.
07-08-12 01:06:18

Fredryk Phox

Duration: 05:47 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-08-21 17:17:39
User: Jonnin
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Fredryk Phox Clips


xKITKATKAYx ::: Favorites
the end made me laugh lol
07-10-21 00:17:55
xKITKATKAYx ::: Favorites
hahahahhahahahahahhaha that part made me laugh sooo hard
07-10-21 00:15:40
xKITKATKAYx ::: Favorites
you'd write it my mine and my friend's... dur dur dur
07-10-21 00:14:45
idahofella ::: Favorites
THe fire and the cocaine is the best part...funny ass shit!!
07-10-20 11:14:43
creephater01 ::: Favorites
hahahahaha gee gee gee g-unit!! hahahaha
07-10-18 02:06:31
Vixtopher ::: Favorites
HAHAHAHHAHAHHA. oh man i havent seen these clips in ages!! i love fredryk phox. xD
07-10-17 00:50:18
fatguywhohasnolife ::: Favorites
THERE'S SOMETHING EVIL ASUNDER! good god, i look like an african tree. I saw some of these clips in his albino blacksheep video
07-10-16 18:14:50
urethane22 ::: Favorites
My last comment was towards a hata.
07-10-10 08:08:09
bonechene ::: Favorites
Fuck you, beaner!
07-10-08 19:34:16
JimmJacob ::: Favorites
lolololol 215 is the best
07-10-07 22:58:50

Re: Give Me Your Money

Duration: 03:13 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-23 23:21:39
User: themightythor1212
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:::: Top Videos of Day

Evil willie wonka wants to be your special friend.


ZombiesAteMyParents ::: Favorites
XD heh
07-06-07 11:40:12
themightythor1212 ::: Favorites
ohhhi dont know, you may want to visit for a little bit!!?? maybe?
07-04-27 22:59:50
Rocketman16 ::: Favorites
There is a party going on in your head...it must be an amazing place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there :-)
07-04-27 22:50:06
conibonjovi ::: Favorites
I thought Thesaruses were etinct. Maybe they still roam the everglades.
07-04-25 17:04:35
EvilWillieWonka ::: Favorites
well lucky me! A smelly super glued comment. What are ya trying to do make me ill with the smell of Glue? wont work buddy i got your number!
07-04-25 11:34:05
mikma ::: Favorites
Having to use super glue now hope my comment sticks...mikma was here
07-04-25 11:10:08
EvilWillieWonka ::: Favorites
Look puss bucket, i can handle my own tongue. i am the king of pick up lines! now go choke on a thesarus!
07-04-25 07:49:46
EvilWillieWonka ::: Favorites
sneaky canadian you could bang a gun if it was held to your crotch. now go try that with the safety off!
07-04-25 07:48:44
EvilWillieWonka ::: Favorites
you french me
07-04-25 07:48:05
parisblonde ::: Favorites
you scare me
07-04-25 00:31:38