Wednesday, March 26, 2008

coffee day

Duration: 02:59 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-25 04:40:49

a new day has... coffee


albertoperugini  2008-03-11 16:39:01

daaaaaah ma quanto sei schioppatoooooo!!! ghghghgh bellissimo!
PhoenixofVirtue  2007-12-23 02:20:43

This was good. You are amazing.

Want to have a smoke with me?

Duration: 03:33 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-13 20:45:59

#4 I like to enjoy a cigar every now and then. Join me for a smoke outside my apartment. It was actually about 68 degrees not 78. This video is my first editing attempt. Windows Movie Maker is very easy to use and a lot of fun to see the results.


Bodobaas  2008-03-18 06:00:42

you're a character.
landon5654  2008-02-19 01:51:11

really really....RANDOM


Duration: 04:03 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-25 20:48:47



mercuchoel  2008-03-22 23:12:47

que bacan el video ahi se puede ver la gran diferencia entre la basura y la casta de campeon podria decir tantas cosas en conta del barcekk que mejor me las ahorro ..... quisiera tambien mandar a la mierda a esos putos de canal uno son una mirda ya me tienen hinchado las pelotas esos monos regionalistas disfraados de barcelonistas

JDllama's Gimme the mike performance

Duration: 00:25 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-11 22:48:44

Re: In response to JDllama's brief clip of himself on the promo, I thought he might like the whole clip online.


Marathon: Durandal on Xbox Live Arcade

Duration: 00:60 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-20 12:27:38

Bungie's seminal Mac shooter comes to Xbox Live Arcade, courtesy of Freeverse!


GoldKamil  2008-03-19 06:20:25

bungie might be joining the 2 games together.. marathon and halo
massdizzle1  2008-02-09 01:21:17

how does it get you sick
darkenedgust  2008-01-23 11:23:00

if you guys read the books it tells you what happens b4 halo 1 and after halo 3. both rings are different D:< so dont say there the same ring, read the books!
sk8rturtl  2008-01-20 01:54:08

this is bloodrelative999's new account in the beginning of HAlo you come out of a cryo freezing chamber then at the end of 3 he went into one i was just stating a fact that that happend and about destroying the same halo master chief already destroyed the first halo how did he destroy it again???
LeaveItToSteven  2008-01-09 11:48:38

HEY GUYS y this look like Halo lol12OL!?!?! I liked the Marathon story (though it was partially a pisstake of 2001) and some of the illustrations, but the levels pained me physically.

Happy Time Yay

Duration: 05:25 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-07 18:55:02

This is one of my many dark kitty productions, enjoy, and that thing mention about the movie I made about my cousin......well I'm forbid to even talk about it now they got so mad at me- so don't expect it ever posted!!!!!!!!!!!


Ex-Feral kitten, doing very well.

Duration: 00:40 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-15 18:35:57

This is Gabby, my girlfriend's 6 month old kitten... Her mother is a feral cat in my girlfriend's neighborhood. We took her in when she was a little over 8 weeks old, after all of her siblings were killed by cars. It didn't seem likely that she would survive the winter, so my girlfriend captured her in a laundry basket. At his point she (the kitten) was VERY feral. She was pretty much terrified of everything. I was home from college for thanksgiving weekend, and pretty much had an open calender, so my girlfriend transferred her to me to try to tame her up a bit. I put her in my parents bathroom with food, water, and a litter box. Over the four day weekend, she became a lot more calm. We got her used to people by letting her lick chicken flavored baby food off our fingers. She used the litter box right off the bat, no problem. The vet gave her a clean bill of health, and she's due to be spayed next week. She's so much more tame than when we got her, but there is still progress to be made. She is still sometimes afraid of people... when there's someone new around she'll still hide under the bed


soheiljerusalem  2008-03-17 14:33:48

cute Gabby !
jadejw  2008-03-16 08:42:00

the kitty is sooooo cute comment on my vid

[NAM-1975 ] 1coin clear 3/3

Duration: 10:26 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-11 23:33:14

ナンシー・ムックリー撃破w 最後の女 顔怖すぎ 敵とわかっていれば身動きが出来なくとも容赦はしないw


figment1988  2008-02-13 19:33:28

that's just one allusion to FMJ, if you look at Player 1's helmet in the intro, it has the "born to kill" quote (even though it only shows "to kill")
tao54s  2008-02-12 23:09:05

edecildo  2008-01-13 14:16:01

Like the guy,i can kill the last boos without die
Beetyborscht  2008-01-11 04:08:54

lol, why in the Hell is there a sign that says "Hello, what is your name" in russian?
Ebb1993  2008-01-04 17:31:44

It's the sniper girl from Full Metal Jacket! (7:49 sec. mark)


Duration: 04:59 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-11 15:38:34

another trk by the one n only bd halla fuck you if you hate


FPSgangsta  2008-03-21 16:39:07

Alexanderxzibit  2008-03-19 10:24:09

U sound like a girl lol sorry:(
shankatankhasnoball  2008-03-12 14:23:18

not bad catchy chorus
bdtdot  2008-03-12 14:13:46

stop hating
bdtdot  2008-03-11 16:29:35

ye my fofofofofo remix halla

Friends And me moshing

Duration: 00:31 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-01-14 00:38:06

fooling around


trow69  2008-01-10 08:21:27

use r drunk
loopy1980  2007-11-11 11:31:34

dam, that girl is scary