Monday, February 4, 2008

Sam Harris: Faith vs. Reason in the Modern World (5/5)

Duration: 11:54 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-03 17:24:27
User: PiroNiro
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Sam  Harris  Aspen  Ideas  Festival  Religion  Islam  God  Atheism  Spiritual  Philosophy  Letter  Chrisitan  Nation  Morality  


Sam Harris: Believing the Unbelievable: The Clash Between Faith and Reason in the Modern World, Aspen Ideas Festival (2007) Sam Harris gives a lecture on the dangers of mixing iron age philosophies with modern day technology, common misconceptions theists have about atheists and why we need to build a morality system separate from faith. -------------------------------------------------- Credit: Aspen Institute


storeo ::: Favorites  2008-01-27 11:21:34

Thanks for uploading Piro. Great talk.
limpnail ::: Favorites  2008-01-13 10:04:41

Watched every one of these vids. Thanks for putting this out. Sam is a great man to be admired for his lectures on reasoning.
Masenko ::: Favorites  2008-01-07 03:40:30

Thanks for uploading these great videos! Love this guy.
Moryton ::: Favorites  2008-01-06 08:19:58

Thanks for sharing Sam Harris and not hogging him all to yourself. :p
irishmauddib ::: Favorites  2008-01-03 10:31:09

So its a church founded on "We dont know what it is, but we know we like it". Cute.

Other Video Blog Entries

Castle Dreamlights November 12
Something Different #3
The Drama Portable....OR HELL???
Evangelion Bleed Sonic Confirmation Video

Duration: 00:54 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-10 21:24:43
User: LinkTTP
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sonic  super  smash  bros  brawl  




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NEO vs RockCrock
Haruhi is A Metalhead - AMV
Peter Parker shreds (jazz solo)
Lucky - Lucky twice (Riffs and Rays) Remix


Jason Schwartzman on Jimmy Kimmel Live 10-11-07 part1

Duration: 08:09 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-12 11:14:51
User: visiontellie2
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Jason  Schwartzman  Jimmy  Kimmel  Live  rushmore  


Jason Schwartzman on Jimmy Kimmel Live 10-11-07 part1 "The Darjeeling Limited"


kristanyc ::: Favorites  2008-01-23 23:10:55

omg limp to pimp! baha
kristanyc ::: Favorites  2008-01-23 23:09:51

haha i adoore jason. "i'm off the cane"
abcdeliefgh ::: Favorites  2008-01-21 23:00:41

i like all the hand movements lol hah hes really cute and short.
mellonxcolliee ::: Favorites  2008-01-14 20:39:09

i love how shy and adorable he is.
jorge33749 ::: Favorites  2008-01-14 12:41:42

jimmy! ran out of real talented guests? ha ha scraping the bottom of the barrel. losers

Other Video Blog Entries

Rainbow Six Vegas 2 - Trailer 2
Thumbs down? -or- Thumbs up?
police omega doing a jay flip
śpiewaj z Linkin Parkiem (Singing or Linkin Park)- Bleed It
Rotterdam Hooligans



Duration: 04:59 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-06-10 16:52:48
User: himekochann
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Pani  Poni  Dash!  Subtitles  Pics  Blue  blau  rudolf^^  himeko  becky  rei  miyako  behoimi  and  nothing  else  


This Video is most german but there's also a little time where they sing english. I hope you'll understand it although it's german. An alle deutschen: wenn ihr pani poni dash! nicht kennt dann solltet ihr es euch downloaden, da es superlustich is^^


Uxhenik ::: Favorites  2008-02-02 10:51:46

Oh, god.
HoDSasori ::: Favorites  2008-01-29 13:50:42

LoL, das hat doch mal Style xD
sjoerdv76 ::: Favorites  2008-01-22 04:40:54

It also means "horny" (in Dutch)
Uxhenik ::: Favorites  2008-01-21 10:25:20

Then, that's what this is!
MioRaem ::: Favorites  2008-01-20 11:15:43

It means "awesome"

Other Video Blog Entries

serial Dwie osobowości odc.1 cz.I ( Sims 2 )
The Legend of Zelda: Wand of Gamelon (Intro)
The Adventures of Bert Raccoon V2
Joker's smiling fish ad
Behold The White Whore



Duration: 00:43 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-12-10 14:57:24
User: fatkidsrule62
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Pouso da asa delta !
Japanese Wedding
My Cousin DD
lawak/funny:kisah duit bercakap
Apple TV Guided Tour


Kind Lady Heavy - [ICNH] - AAA

Duration: 02:42 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-20 15:41:49
User: ddrmast3r
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DDR  ICNH  dance  AAA  




milo223 ::: Favorites  2007-07-19 22:43:16

damn lol that sucks. I got 1 great on Air today and I bearly play that song lol.
ddrmast3r ::: Favorites  2007-07-18 23:33:49

Lol, got 1 great on ska a go go, last arrow, twice today. D:
milo223 ::: Favorites  2007-07-18 23:10:22

DDR freakin hates me lol. I got 1 great 3 times today.
ddrmast3r ::: Favorites  2007-06-27 22:48:46

Hah I can feel it too! It's coming, don't worry! ;)
milo223 ::: Favorites  2007-06-27 22:34:42

I tried again today and got 2 greats. I can feel it, my first AAA, hope it comes soon.

Other Video Blog Entries

Dream Theater - Pull Me Under - Live At Budokan
NIRVANA - Rape Me Live [Heart - Shaped Rome]
hakan altun-aşk delisi
T-34 vs Tiger
My Second birthday / April 1988 / Part 3


Syndicate of

Duration: 03:52 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-24 18:27:21
User: zbelm
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girl  sound  syndicate  little  


lip-synching on U.S. TV.


bnzbrl ::: Favorites  2008-01-28 10:43:40

I have a friend from san jose who told me about his aunt going to these crazy parties and there were so many punks from that area.. chocolate watchband..
cosmos969 ::: Favorites  2008-01-24 21:33:22

Yeah!! I saw Syndicate of Sound, Count V, E-Types, many other of these bands on my high school auditorium stage 1966-68! Westmont Teen Club rules! DK
deckape1956 ::: Favorites  2008-01-24 03:57:36

I am 51 i want to have a power lunch with those guys!
bass52 ::: Favorites  2008-01-15 19:38:48

this was filmed at Rappa's Restaurant Monterey Calif. I was there , only 14 years old, working in the kitchen Awesome 3 days
jdharpguitar ::: Favorites  2007-12-28 17:05:08

Is there anyway to see the Dick Clark's show with the "Hey Little Girl"? They took it off you tube.

Other Video Blog Entries

Before the Rise
The Alchemist *Rare Sample Library* Beat Series
This is Koopa's Halloween
AFX Traffic Festival05 - part 3
MC2 Noroko Mugen: Pepito


Kolej CQ-TEC (kl) Makan Buah gantung...hari guru

Duration: 00:53 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-24 00:39:31
User: FAIZ187downset
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kolej  cq-tec  cqtec  institut  konvo  malam  gombak  cqteckl  


jom makan2 buah-buahan hari guru hahaha


Other Video Blog Entries

Sailor moon - Sailor Teleportstars
the cause of the fight- paperman vs paperman
Erica Perth 2girls1cup
Fists Of Guthix KBD Hunt 28/01/08
Hamster Dance Star Wars


L'Eredità della Priora (Borbone - Briganti - Savoia)

Duration: 10:59 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-23 08:00:52
User: Ilovenaples2007
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Regno  delle  Due  Sicilie  Napoli  Borbone  Borboni  Briganti  Brigante  Savoia  Garibaldi  Eredità  della  Priora  Eduardo  Filippo  


Trailer non ufficiale del bellissimo sceneggiato in 7 puntate "L'eredità della Priora". Regia di Anton Giulio Majano. Sceneggiato tratto dal romanzo di Carlo Alianello sulla conquista di Napoli e del Regno delle Due Sicilie. Tra gli interpreti: Alida Valli, Giancarlo Prete, Luigi La Monica, Evelina Nazzari, Corrado Gaipa, Carlo Giuffré, Ida Di Benedetto, Mario Piave, Giuseppe Anatrelli. Tra il cast tantissimi attori del vecchio gruppo teatrale di Eduardo De Filippo: Gino Maringola, Nunzia e Nuccia Fumo, Luigi Uzzo, Marzio Honorato e molti altri... Musiche di Eugenio Bennato. I Temi trattati nel video: - Censura e Falsi Plebisciti - Napoli ed il Regno delle Due Sicilie derubati - Le Verità Travisate - I Nuclei di Resistenza - L'Esercito del Regno dei Savoia: i piemontesi - L'Oltraggio alla Fede Cattolica - I Briganti La VERA STORIA del risorgimento italiano:


darienza ::: Favorites  2008-01-28 18:41:22

Acquistare un prodotto del Sud, naturalmente competitivo da un punto di vista prezzo/qualità in caso di prodotto non caratteristico ( ad esempio la carbonella), ma potrebbe anche essere più caro trattandosi di prodotto tipico e genuino ( esempio la pasta o l'olio extravergine d'oliva), corrisponde ad una dichiarazione di voto del consumatore come nelle elezioni politiche, ma direi ancor di più, una dichiarazione di appartenenza densa di significati sociali e culturali.
giovandalebandenere ::: Favorites  2008-01-25 11:40:45

noi del sud, non siamo razzisti, questa parola orrenda non c'appartiene. Siamo per la verità storica, siamo per la nostra terra. Diciamo: vergogna savoia. Abbiamo il dovere di ricorda un vero olocausto..perpretato ai danni dei meridionali dalle truppe sabaude!
PortiereDellHonveed ::: Favorites  2008-01-08 14:11:52

Voi vi lamentate del sud italia e della poca serietà degli italiani, ma se perdiamo tempo ad insultarci tra noi fratelli italiani del sud e fratelli italiani del nord, mi dite che cosa risolviamo? è vero, i Savoia sono stati tra tutte le dinastie della storia europea i più volta gabbana ed approfittatori, ma ora l'Italia è una Repubblica, ed è unita... Pensiamo solo al bene del paese. Viva L'Italia
knux3030 ::: Favorites  2008-01-04 17:30:54

POPOLO DELLE DUE SICILIE. Ho creduto di buona fede che il Re di Piemonte, che si diceva mio fratello, mio amico, che mi protestava disapprovare la invasione di Garibaldi, che negoziava col mio Governo un'alleanza intima pei veri interessi d'Italia, non avrebbe rotto tutti i patti e violate tutte le leggi per invadere i miei Stati in piena pace, senza motivi né dichiarazione di guerra. Se questi erano i miei torti, preferisco le mie sventure ai trionfi dei miei avversari Francesco II
wilbru89 ::: Favorites  2007-12-22 07:51:33

Maledetti infami piemontesi Avete fatto la vostra italietta col sangue di milioni di meridioanli in combutta coi mercenari garibaldini Pagherete tutto !!! Viva i Borboni e le Due Sicilie

Other Video Blog Entries

Ethans butt Race
Prelude and Fugue in G Major (The Great) J S Bach
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Southern Cross-Stepmania.
Lumacata '07- Inquietante pallina depravata


Clad in Shadows Misheard

Duration: 02:19 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-01-20 15:20:20
User: Alexrose12345678910
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metal  misheard  clad  shadows  flames  nightwish  wishmaster  comedy  


Misheard Lyrics of Clad in Shadows by In Flames.


qqq7005 ::: Favorites  2008-01-12 00:18:54

yea, i couldn't stop giggling like a Japanese schoolgirl to the chug chug chug dragon light! awesome job dude, and will do check out your other stuff.
MegistosZeys ::: Favorites  2008-01-04 05:12:38

The old ones much better.But they didn´t ruin the song,they just changed it a bit to their newer style.I give 4 stars.Pretty cool!
YoruYasha ::: Favorites  2007-09-10 20:01:47

lol, I love in flames.
RichRene ::: Favorites  2007-09-10 15:08:54

Mikael sucks and the original is to slow paced. And fuck you FenderUkk go back to DT, fag.
TheBlackestSun ::: Favorites  2007-09-10 15:02:21

They didn't ruin the song they actually made it better

Other Video Blog Entries

Art in Video Stills
Shell & Annie
Asian fatty makeover
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Isle Delphino
Claws 9


SSBB - Easter Egg Part 2

Duration: 09:29 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-01 14:13:55
User: r12y7
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Super  Smash  Brothers  Brawl  SSBB  SBBX  スマブラX  


See Part 1 Toon Link, Samus, Pit, Ice Climbers, Robot, Kirby, Meta Knight, DeDeDe, Olimar, Fox, Falco, Wolf, Captain Falcon


Mudkip05 ::: Favorites  2008-02-03 08:43:16

He say "Ya te vio" O_o ¿or is my imagination? Wow, this game have english, japanese and spanish words xD ---------------------------------- El dijo "Ya te vio" o_o ¿o fue mi imaginacion? Wow, este juego tiene palabras en castellaño,Ingles y japones xD
MattIncStudios ::: Favorites  2008-02-02 23:56:23

This game is gonna rock when it comes out. These codec conversations are awesome! Also, I like that they included "Yell Dead Cell" as one of the possible music choices for the level. I loved that boss theme from MGS2.
SpadeHand ::: Favorites  2008-02-02 18:28:54

vmk926 ::: Favorites  2008-02-02 15:35:41

Nalidor ::: Favorites  2008-02-02 11:27:13

Snake: This is Snake... Slippy: Y HELO THAR! Snake: Huh? NANDE!?!? Epic win

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de_dust2 strat double A
Louie Giglio Universe Comprehension
sword play
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Yggdra Union PSP promotion video - Milanor version

Duration: 03:08 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-29 21:35:02
User: DKClare
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PSP Yggdra Union promotion video 2 New eposide, New character, include......Death-Bring Angel!!


Hitmantsuna ::: Favorites  2008-01-13 14:12:28

i agree ^_^
rappy101 ::: Favorites  2008-01-07 11:07:55

I'm going to buy a psp for this game alone i have it for thr ds (gba rather) but this looks better and a new chartwe addes to the fun.
firate06 ::: Favorites  2007-12-28 03:45:46

Now i want a PSP instead of DS WAAAHHHH!!!!!
JuukaRock ::: Favorites  2007-12-21 17:31:11

Milanor's voice sounds a lot like Enzan from Rockman EXE. Or, it gives the same impression rather. I was hoping for a wild harsh type that suits the wolf, but whatever.
hunterkiller300 ::: Favorites  2007-12-20 20:24:16

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! i was pretty sad when yggdra union died right when i found out about it and wanted to get it for gba. everywhere was out of stock T_T i sort of had some kind of hope when they made the perfect audio collection. because that most likely means that this will be revived like riviera was. YAYAYAY STING I LOVE YOU

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My Subwoofer Box

Duration: 01:08 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-09 18:46:43
User: ChrisBeBallin
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Sick  New  Audio  System  Subwoofer  Speaker  Box  Fiberglass  Enclosure  Unique  Automotive  Power  Pro  Chevrolet  Cavalier  


My new Speaker Box, w/2000 watt amp.


ChrisBeBallin ::: Favorites  2008-02-01 12:23:53

yea I kno, but I get enuff bass as it already is, and it prolly looks better tha way it is :)
AlexXx05 ::: Favorites  2008-01-19 13:59:52

sounds nice that told me that u r are noob!
DaShaft24 ::: Favorites  2008-01-08 12:48:43

i have 2 10in subs with a 1500w amp and they are the other way around and they sound mint. the box is also ported
DaShaft24 ::: Favorites  2008-01-08 12:46:41

Poncecarra is right if you turn them around you will get deeper bass and more air coming out of the ports
poncecarra ::: Favorites  2008-01-04 13:37:20

turn your subs around so it will sound better!

Other Video Blog Entries

Castle Dreamlights November 12
Something Different #3
The Drama Portable....OR HELL???
Evangelion Bleed