Saturday, August 25, 2007

Metro Lyon

Duration: 02:03 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-12 09:33:34
User: maxfuransujin
:::: Favorites

video du metro de lyon

silverghost97 ::: Favorites
que es? La nueva intro del Juego de Half Life?
07-07-04 09:07:27
maxfuransujin ::: Favorites
nan ! truc de ouf quel analyse ! ! ! vous savez quoi je demenage justement a lyon en aout alr voyant le succé de cette video j'en referai des meilleur quan je serais laba ;)
07-05-22 09:48:13
claventin ::: Favorites
Grange Blanche, correspondance Métro A direction Perrache ou Laurent Bonnevay Astroballe. Ouverture des portes à droite, dans le sens de la circulation.
07-05-22 09:00:59
kub86 ::: Favorites
oh j'adore le metro du lyon. C'est petit, et trop mignon !
06-11-28 16:55:21
sekikawa ::: Favorites
surtout que c est la seul ligne automatique de notre beau reseau. Magali qu elle s appelle. c est la D
06-11-08 04:09:52
matthusalem69 ::: Favorites
rectification: c'est MAGGALY (Métro à Grand Gabarit de l'Agglomération LYonnaise) lol et bien que ce soit un chef d'oeuvre de technologie et d'aotomatisme un peu encore aujourd'hui, il souffre de bien des problèmes d'exploitation. Un simple journal qui tombe sur la voie et les cellules infrarouge au bord des voies déclenchent l'alarme et coupent le courant sur toute la ligne lol.
07-05-17 17:36:08
rolkill ::: Favorites
c'est cool j'aime bien ce genre de ptit films!
06-09-05 12:08:07
caroneechan ::: Favorites
voila un bel aperçu de notre metro lyonnais ! merci lol
06-08-14 06:36:34
maxfuransujin ::: Favorites
merci, je voulais trop le filmé, mais ce ki ma le plus etoné c ke ts est automatique
06-08-14 07:25:14

Rocket Science Trailer

Duration: 02:22 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-14 12:17:40
User: lolzorzomgwtfbbq
:::: Favorites

Looking for answers to life's big questions, a stuttering boy joins his high school debate team.

hendiike ::: Favorites
it's a wonderful film.
07-08-23 15:26:34
Snotra ::: Favorites
Napolean dynamite prt. 2 Shame on you violent fems.
07-08-21 10:13:16
TheSunTheSea ::: Favorites
This was easily the best movie of the year
07-08-19 22:39:17
notgullible ::: Favorites
This looks like a great uplifting movie, which reminds me of "Billy Elliot".
07-08-19 14:49:23
notgullible ::: Favorites
This looks like a great uplifting movie, which reminds me of "Billy Elliot".
07-08-19 14:46:57
rosieserendipity ::: Favorites
ahahhah can't wait to see that movie babbeee
07-07-29 16:24:05
deko91 ::: Favorites
thanx a bunch!
07-07-28 05:31:45
deko91 ::: Favorites
song? at 1:00!!!
07-07-28 02:55:28
intrnlprym84evr ::: Favorites
2 songs in the trailer: both by violent femmes, first is blister in the sun the second is kiss off.
07-07-28 05:00:32
mynameiscal ::: Favorites
This had better be shown in the UK, I really wanna see it!
07-07-26 09:04:18
pecker213323 ::: Favorites
This movie wasn't that great. It was more like a rollercoaster ride. It started slow, then got kinda good and funny, then the ending was such a boner kill. It needed a better ending. It renind it me more of the Sopranos ending.
07-07-06 18:51:18
insidethemovie ::: Favorites
Anyone who is excited for ROCKET SCIENCE should check out Nicholas D'Agosto (plays Ben Wekselbaum in Rocket Science) in the movie INSIDE. Comes out later this year. He plays of the leads. It also stars Leighton Meester, who stars in the upcoming series GOSSIP GIRL.
07-06-21 04:07:38
Harborlight82 ::: Favorites
Awesome, can´t wait to see the movie!
07-06-15 05:42:40

The Real Sopranos - part 2

Duration: 10:31 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-05 22:35:56
User: swifty1210
:::: Favorites

A documentary on the soprano/decavalcante connection etc

LittleKorean ::: Favorites
Wow, that Frank guy is a legend.
07-08-20 13:08:30
bashthebandello ::: Favorites
that unfercover police officer took part in murders too which the FBI overlooked!!!!!!!!!!
07-07-16 20:36:34
dopefish250 ::: Favorites
and wtf? tony was prepared to kill his best friend? tony uncle al was his COUSIN lol probably the EASIEST research there is when you are making observations about a TV show they are making a few mistakes with this doc.
07-07-11 07:44:51
gangsteron ::: Favorites
in the sopranos the bada bing is also silvio dantes no?
07-07-09 16:20:41
dopefish250 ::: Favorites
haha i was watching and when they said it for the second time i was gonna post that also... you beat me to the punch
07-07-11 07:41:24
kmb12 ::: Favorites
thanks for this post son
07-06-26 16:02:09
druha10304 ::: Favorites
something tells me vinny ocean is doing fine right now
07-06-14 18:59:40
Ferreira018 ::: Favorites
The DeCavalante Family....what an obscure reference...according to the book made men, the sopranos were based on them.
07-06-10 19:07:28
conde19745 ::: Favorites
It is 24 minutes away from jun 10th, 2007. The Sopranos will air its last episode on that day. They will be missed.
07-06-09 23:33:07
JeffTheFutureJaros ::: Favorites
Bad Ass shit man!
07-06-06 00:43:38
bigjims ::: Favorites
Thanks alot
07-06-05 17:35:04
XDMASCHX ::: Favorites
07-05-15 19:49:38
Corneliusbum ::: Favorites
I don't think this was ever (or ever would be) aired in Australia, thanks for the upload!
07-05-13 07:54:53
batmandragonball ::: Favorites
nice vid man
07-05-06 19:36:37
Chris25698 ::: Favorites
great post, thanks
07-04-20 21:23:57

Christopher Hitchens lecture "God is not great" - part 5/6

Duration: 09:24 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-31 11:10:29
User: leopoldiii
:::: Favorites

Lecture about "God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything" at the Politics and Prose Bookstore,Washington D.C.,May 10th 2007. Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: Part 6:

asonjdj ::: Favorites
I dont think the crowd was that rude...well maybe a little. It was polite for Hitchens to let him continue. I think others just wanted a chance to ask a question and the guy in the suit took a lot of time and failed to say anything to clear. Great series though...bravo!
07-08-23 12:35:05
sighuponsigh ::: Favorites
Lol. I think he just spoke to have an excuse to get with that mic.
07-08-11 16:55:10
unalunallena ::: Favorites
Great Video! Check out midwestatheist.blogspot(.com) for a huge list of great Atheist Video Links!!! (Including this video)
07-08-06 11:28:17
JaboCelt ::: Favorites
You can see clearly the grovelling and servile nature of the suit and tie believer who timidly asks his question. The longer the religious mind fuck goes on the more sorry state of being. Chin up, have some confidence in your stride for you are the descendant of strong, able survivors. Be proud of your humble and fortunate past. We are damn lucky just to be alive.
07-08-04 19:20:35
closedmouth ::: Favorites
Nicely put
07-08-22 01:16:02
bobjones864 ::: Favorites
Yeah, this is a rude crowd, but this guy is being pretty obtuse and he's not necessarily getting anywhere. Hitchen's politely defends his question though. But only once. . .
07-07-24 05:03:02
TombyStone ::: Favorites
God, I'm ashamed for the whole movement at this crowd. So the guy may stumble over his words, that's no reason to shout him down.
07-07-18 00:10:44
Daniel123123 ::: Favorites
How dare you call him a dipshit for stumbling over his words. He asks a relevant question. He is a bit long winded, but Hitchens should tolerate, given his tendancy to go off on tangents.
07-07-06 17:00:41
JoshSitar ::: Favorites
You're right; how dare I. The guy stammered on and on, wasting everyone's time instead of just getting to a clear and concise point or question. But I was mostly making a statement on the inane and useless comment above of the guy's appearance. But I will say that everyone that spoke seems to be a stammering or rambling fool (minus Hitchens).
07-07-09 18:27:52
Daniel123123 ::: Favorites
Have you listened to any other interviews like this? The problem with this sort of complaint, which is so easily seen in the video, is that the CROWD as a group never stumbles. But the same guys who boo and jeer, if put in the same spot, would find themselves wanting to include too much in their question, or that their phrasing was not quite as witty as it was in their head. But then, here we have a guy honestly trying to ask an honest question, and all they can do is jeer.
07-07-10 03:57:48
JoshSitar ::: Favorites
That's why I said that everyone was pretty much stammering like fools.
07-07-14 01:32:16
corruptedfuzz ::: Favorites
LOL that guy at the end is toooo nervous... "ub..i have to umm....ubbidy ubbidy that's all folks"
07-07-03 13:39:20
Hervorragend604 ::: Favorites
Holy shit, why can't that guy just ask a question or two without all the pointless preamble and apologizing? For that matter, why does he even have to bring up that he's a religious person at all? That was extremely annoying. Being in the minority and having the temerity to stand up and speak out against the majority, if you have real evidence, is what it's all about. That guy even lacked conviction for adherence to nonsense. How weak and pathetic.
07-06-26 21:49:15
Daniel123123 ::: Favorites
eh, he was nervous, so what... the rambling atheist in the next video is much worse; the theist at least had a relevant question. I'm sure there are a lot of us who might be nervous, given cameras, a person of fame, and a mostly hostile audiance.
07-07-06 16:56:09
Hervorragend604 ::: Favorites
I myself might be nervous given the presence cameras, a hostile audience, etc. But that's as all the more reason to speak up and speak well. Ask something with confidence and even the silliest question will rarely get laughed at or ignored.
07-07-07 11:33:18
Hervorragend604 ::: Favorites
Also, I still don't see why he has to mention his religiousness. Questions are questions regardless of what you may or may not believe in the first place and whatever biases you have are irrelevant to the correct answer for a given question. If you don't like the answer to your question, that's just too damn bad.
07-07-07 11:35:06
Daniel123123 ::: Favorites
I agree with you on this point Hervor. Of course, though, for the questioner this was a relevant point, because the he sees the morality of human beings in a religious context, and was wondering how atheists account for this morality. Also I think he meant to make the follow up point that if strict materialism is true, then perhaps we are not ultimately responsible for our own accomplishments. It was a good point to raise.
07-07-07 12:01:34
Hervorragend604 ::: Favorites
Yes, it was a good point to raise, but it could have been raised a lot more concisely and without bringin up the questioner's personal beliefs beforehand. That's all I'm trying to say.
07-07-07 14:18:48
jakob0815 ::: Favorites
mmmmmh spicy...
07-06-19 11:26:33
ergasterAUS ::: Favorites
ah, "make me one with everything" ... I get it now. I'm embarassed that I had to think about it for a few minutes.
07-06-15 09:43:50

Saltydog: Attack of the Mexican Volume 1- Men in kilts

Duration: 03:32 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-22 18:29:17
User: graysyoutube
:::: Favorites

Were Scotsmen. Who sing Irish music. And are harrased by a mexican.

cuddo ::: Favorites
hot guy!
07-05-15 22:24:45
jorgezarpa32 ::: Favorites
These kind of stupid trash-people are a good example of what results from a lab experiment called: "fecundating an ovule with vomits" they are a cross-breed with an extremely bad mix of genes. That is the reason of lack of understanding of other cultures and idiosyncrasies. They are inferior losers; they don't have a life, that's sure. After high school they end working as a low end employee in Walmart. They could pass by a South American
07-05-06 01:43:43
graysyoutube ::: Favorites
you have small balls. :)
07-05-22 21:38:16
kiltedphantom ::: Favorites
flogging molly effing pwns
07-04-29 16:10:21
Rinty62 ::: Favorites
Gr8 astuff you are so funny keep em coming. When is your Ireland tour keep me a ticket.
07-03-22 11:18:53
herrdaniel4 ::: Favorites
07-03-12 01:23:50
darraghocoiligh ::: Favorites
hooray ireland and scotland forever! Éire agus Alban abú!
07-03-04 08:05:51
lushiea ::: Favorites
that is going in to my fav vids, nice. greay laugh
07-02-24 15:46:54
cawwy ::: Favorites
Flogging Molly rocks. I like your attire. Yet this was slightly disturbing. I thank you for making me laugh.
06-11-23 02:11:55
kmryan182 ::: Favorites
That is scary
06-11-09 19:11:48

Scary Movie 4:Unrated-Unlock the DOOR!!!

Duration: 02:53 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-08 20:22:16
User: MoviesRock123
:::: Favorites

Tom Ryan try to unlock the but doesn't work out. (Made w/ Windows Movie Maker)

Fire123125 ::: Favorites
lol ur wish has been granted lol
07-08-14 16:19:47
ceej555 ::: Favorites
haha fuckin ell
07-08-02 11:52:55
audioslavefan805 ::: Favorites
so fuken funny
07-07-15 11:25:39
CaptianTwig ::: Favorites
Go fuck your mother o.k.? No one beliecves this shit. You are a retard.
07-07-05 09:20:26
richrichman2 ::: Favorites
yeah, if any of these were plausible I'd have died about a thousand times over.
07-07-07 03:11:49
zepplinjetta ::: Favorites
dude, go suck cock u fucker, im not gunna fuckin die, the only person who will die is u!!! if u dot fuckin stop postin shit like this.
07-07-02 15:09:06
rickiukpk ::: Favorites
I want to die so lets c if i die or not if i dont then ill make sure u DIE nd ROT IN HELL!! im pissed off fmr these guys man
07-06-29 06:04:27
bsara1000 ::: Favorites
OMG this is hilarious!!!!
07-06-20 02:05:04
Nightninja3 ::: Favorites
Hes so stupid the guy unlockin the door is unlocking the door then locking it back fast!
07-06-16 11:51:44
dunstin690 ::: Favorites
well no shit sherlock
07-06-18 23:44:37
geneinabottle ::: Favorites
lol lmas....y didnt he just move to the side and unlock the door for the guy lol. so funny
07-06-09 22:11:51
nskaile ::: Favorites
hahahhahahaha funny sh1t
07-06-09 01:13:51
quadbiker101101 ::: Favorites
I love neda zeinali, ilaria, giovannini sarah unsworth!!
07-06-07 13:15:03
venage12 ::: Favorites
get in the dam car lol
07-06-04 16:35:49
erikac14 ::: Favorites
"You stole my 4" XD
07-05-28 18:06:56
Sasami10 ::: Favorites
Hilarious! XD I hope the car lock thing was a movie effect otherwise it probably would of taken hours.
07-05-28 05:06:01
weatherman46H ::: Favorites
HAHAHAHA!!!!!! This was hilarious
07-05-25 23:24:48
Rapboy101 ::: Favorites
wat the hell lol
07-05-07 21:58:18
mmmhhm ::: Favorites
Even more, I have had arguments like this with my sister. Hee hee hee!
07-05-06 11:06:07
ItsOnRandom ::: Favorites
-"you go on 4! can u count!?" -"so on your 3 or my 4!?" -theres only one 3!!! lmao!!!! craig bierko rocks! hes so funny! =D i did this with my brother with our van! we were just laughing our heads off!
07-03-13 23:40:03

Fall Out Boy Live Brazil Sugar Were Going Down Altas Horas

Duration: 04:39 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-04 00:19:18
User: crsrob
:::: Favorites

Fall Out Boy Live Brazil Sugar Were Going Down Altas Horas

Clovions ::: Favorites
THey sound so bad live..goddamn
07-08-25 00:35:26
lazystatue ::: Favorites
the audience were so lame.... boring people.....
07-08-24 21:31:31
Fallx0utxGirl ::: Favorites
LoL did patty have a hang over? cause his hat is pulled down pretty far hehehe <3, xs, and os 2 fob 4 ever
07-08-24 16:29:25
DeineMudda1989 ::: Favorites
how can you play the guitar like this? he's just jumping around
07-08-24 08:23:56
majd227 ::: Favorites
they suck so much. the only reason they sound half good and people like them are because of what you can do with modern technology in studios. and all their "fans " are retarded little girls that have to taste for real music. also the bassist sucks, he plays like a note the whole song and he wants so much attention, hes like standing up on the amps just so people will look at him. they all suck.
07-08-23 19:49:04
xPunkxFacex ::: Favorites
i think this is a badd version of there music i must admitt but if u watch the this ain a scene one >>>>> its awsuum so yh i think theyy all rokk and the bassist dusnt choose to always b at the front ppl choose him 2 do it cause he rites the songs and produces them and has like a logo , he's the richest tew! so personally i must disagree so much!! i think they rokk the world! X
07-08-24 08:34:33
majd227 ::: Favorites
1. please learn to spell its really annoying. 2. all their music is a bad version. there is no such thing as a good version for fall out boy. and theyre all wanna be like crazy ass rockers. but they all suck.
07-08-24 16:50:11
OneDee ::: Favorites
of course if they sing live its different lol
07-08-23 16:15:56
pierody ::: Favorites
Hey everybody come check out my pop/punk band in myspace this is our link myspace,com/ltwaiting but instead of the comma put a period. thanks a lot we really appreciate it. -Longtime Waiting
07-08-22 01:12:44
IheartpenguinsandPG ::: Favorites
What's with Patrick's hat?
07-08-22 00:24:11
yourfalloutboy418 ::: Favorites
he puts it like that cuz he gets rly nervous. plus, there's the fact that he sings and plays guitar so he has no time to look around or gvet distracted.
07-08-23 13:04:04
screamatic ::: Favorites
I realized how tremendously popular they were 2 years ago. So I decided to go see them at the Honda Civic Tour, since TAI... and Cobra Starship were also going to be there. By their popularity.. I expected them to be at least CLOSE to TAI... as far as performing live. This is good, but nowhere close to some less popular bands.
07-08-21 19:59:10
gibbs41 ::: Favorites
The drummers snare sounds awful, and the vocals were a bit loud, but otherwise, it wasn't THAT bad.
07-08-21 19:42:16
dshiznit1123 ::: Favorites
they suck live
07-08-21 13:25:16
woopderitis ::: Favorites
HAHAHHAH can patrick even see
07-08-21 03:44:38
XOXOMINAXOXO ::: Favorites
:O how can u say they suck live! i would like to see u do it better then them! and patrick is hot with hats on xD FALLOUTBOY ROCKS!
07-08-20 21:24:49
petewentzed ::: Favorites
whoa whats up with Patrick and the hat? you cant see his pretty face! lol u cant see him sweat anyway, lol.
07-08-20 18:44:01
xiamjessx ::: Favorites
how can patrick see his hat covers his eyes
07-08-20 06:53:32
pixqix ::: Favorites
that's wat i waz thinkin' lol
07-08-24 08:32:31
kubapro22 ::: Favorites
I think only Patrick sucks at live shows ;/ He combines too much with his voice. But the rest of the band is pretty good on the scene :)
07-08-20 06:07:31

Hope - Bring Me Flowers

Duration: 03:24 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-09 11:34:27
User: x0AmazingTuMe0x
:::: Favorites


canadiancheerchick ::: Favorites
haha this is cute
07-08-21 07:37:22
keanna25184 ::: Favorites
i love this song:) it makes me happy
07-07-30 21:25:32
chellygirl92 ::: Favorites
I love this song! Cool video too...
07-07-29 11:26:17
nikkanddre ::: Favorites
07-07-22 17:55:41
chula3tx ::: Favorites
love this song!I would like to see the music video.This girl sounds great.
07-07-14 22:57:15
JoeRanda24 ::: Favorites
i love the duble is and in this. :] [ii]
07-07-08 22:00:21
nonamesteak ::: Favorites
i love this song. anyone know what album this song is from or know how i can get a hold of the mp3?
07-07-05 11:41:07
doggiex7 ::: Favorites
I Love this song very much<3
07-06-28 15:12:41
IBscrewed ::: Favorites
learn how to spell!!
07-06-24 15:22:17
mhprincess09 ::: Favorites
i love this song. hope is an amazing artist.
07-06-23 02:22:05
Pax0007 ::: Favorites
ughh i love this song and this video is amazing, but could you pleaseeee post another video that you finished? i am soo retarded at making text actually fit the words, you're amazing. thanks sooo much peacee<33
07-06-19 11:07:55
brooklynn676 ::: Favorites
love it =)
07-06-14 17:32:17
Dbully12 ::: Favorites
nice song...
07-06-13 09:16:02
volleyballbabe291 ::: Favorites
is it just me or does it end at "YOUR WARM EMBR"??? or is my comm jus slow??
07-06-04 20:46:15
blue4penguins911 ::: Favorites
=] smile
07-06-02 00:31:21
blue4penguins911 ::: Favorites
this song sounds so delicate. :)
07-05-31 23:09:29
LOVEEEYOUX10 ::: Favorites
this song makess me smile=]]
07-05-22 23:36:37
riekilicious ::: Favorites
Love this song.
07-05-16 03:34:29
proudtreehugger ::: Favorites
omg i love this song!! it reminds me of someone =D
07-04-30 23:18:02
easusta ::: Favorites
aww i love thiss song
07-04-10 15:48:58

Good Burger - Knee Deep (The Deeper Mix)

Duration: 03:18 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-15 07:57:30
User: HookedOnSonics217
:::: Favorites

Ed and Dexter escape the asylum thanks to the music of Parliament Funkadelic! Features a cameo by George Clinton. I love this part.

hnlzero ::: Favorites
07-08-22 17:49:43
sharylbigdoll3an ::: Favorites
visit FLINGDATINGSITE . COM for hot women to date
07-08-21 20:04:32
215wrestler ::: Favorites
this is the best scene in any movie ever!!!!!!!!!!!
07-08-17 22:31:10
bxsangel ::: Favorites
the best part ^_^
07-08-06 14:40:49
dradfromthebu ::: Favorites
It's no Funkadelic's I don't think. It's George Clinton's.
07-08-02 02:08:24
RetroGurl101 ::: Favorites
luv it!!!!
07-07-31 22:15:38
demonicboi773 ::: Favorites
What sucks is it's not on iTunes
07-07-28 14:56:05
simlog1332 ::: Favorites
Limewire dude
07-08-07 22:19:53
nerdgant ::: Favorites
god, that's funny!!
07-08-08 11:06:25
ImJangooo ::: Favorites
not as much as your mom Sucks your dads dry crusty pussy every night, too bad your mom didnt swallow you down take your emo i hate this video because everyone else loves it, ass home
07-07-26 21:29:16
LOSTHOMEY1 ::: Favorites
Emo? Hmmm...okay. I don't know why you would imply that I like emo, but alright. And yeah, this movie is terrible. I was a huge fan of All That and was ROYALLY disappointed that this didn't live up to my expectations. I hate when that happens.
07-07-27 09:49:30
tatiana1blood ::: Favorites
shut up you damn retard take your punk rock ass some where else
07-08-10 18:49:59
noodlezrock ::: Favorites
this movie is the best movie ever!!! i love it! me and my family watch it all the time. =D this was always my fav scene
07-07-25 19:15:41
LOSTHOMEY1 ::: Favorites
Man...this movie sucked back then, and it sucks now
07-07-24 19:29:53
ImJangooo ::: Favorites
Doesnt Suck as much as your Mom does she gets the job done better than a hover vac
07-07-26 21:25:34
tatiana1blood ::: Favorites
boy you know thats your momma
07-08-10 18:50:23
wwe5000000 ::: Favorites
lmao my brother's watching this now
07-07-23 18:59:45
sosodf3boy ::: Favorites
they made a good burger 2go unfortunatley it was a book ed went across the world to give back some guys change and dexter had to get him back so they could have a permit or licence for the sauce it was funny i wish they made it into a movie
07-07-22 07:40:51
Strawberryfan123 ::: Favorites
cause it was made in the 90's and people don't apperciate good quality movies anymore
07-07-20 22:29:07
toya101691 ::: Favorites
lol at girl at 1:23
07-07-18 10:06:25

Jeremy Clarkson Top Gear Car Shooting!

Duration: 05:02 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-08 18:25:40
User: sebb83
:::: Favorites

Clarkson tries an alternative way to dispose of old vehicles. This video is nonsense really but a bit of fun just the same. Oh yeah, and the exception at the end is the Ford GT.

mtross70 ::: Favorites
this is fake brits can't shoot straight we wouldn't be here
07-08-24 08:55:08
dustin1993 ::: Favorites
i love this show and that made it even better
07-08-23 19:01:46
jooflooz ::: Favorites
What a Joke !
07-08-23 14:42:36
ordignoinfernale ::: Favorites
07-08-22 14:30:48
generalzod4life ::: Favorites
its not meant to be serious its just Fun! anyone with a clue can see the rocket it shoots is COMPUTER Graphics and quite bad computer graphics at that! the fact that the missle turns and 'heat seaks' the car is pretty funny also!
07-08-22 08:46:17
army764 ::: Favorites
if you new what top gear was all about then you would know it was set up. you watch it because its funny you fucker
07-08-17 14:56:25
bassinaband56 ::: Favorites
also, the round is not following the car, it is the camera angle and the fact the camera is moving. and for whoever thinks u cant see the round thats bs because u dont know how old the round is or what condition it was under when it was fired.
07-08-17 07:03:29
bassinaband56 ::: Favorites
ok to start u slimy assholes off who keep saying this video is fake, who cares???? this video isnt fake and if u think the gustav sounds like a bang u probly just heard that in a VIDEO GAME. u dont know what ur talking about. and im sure no of you have every fired one. there is no point in them using pyro-technics, the round did what it was supposed to do, BLOW UP. so shut ur damn mouth. and unless u know what ur talkin about dont comment.
07-08-17 07:01:50
MAMMOONEEY ::: Favorites
But I need something to fire it from.........ohhhhh, what have we got here? lol
07-08-15 17:11:31
hphilip3 ::: Favorites
nice vid but i is just tv after all,,,,,,,,,
07-08-13 12:56:07
wickeddude1 ::: Favorites
i know this isernt fake becuz i shoow on tv
07-08-12 23:07:27
guhnmystro ::: Favorites
mm hmm, go call homeland security on the youtube video, sure they'll care. and while you're at it STFU noob
07-08-11 13:46:13
guhnmystro ::: Favorites
Dont mess with texas, it isnt nice to pick on retards. ha, im american and I approve this message
07-08-11 13:44:08
gamer1324 ::: Favorites
There had to be some kind of pyro-technic, in that blue car.
07-08-11 01:39:06
BatteryRock ::: Favorites
He intentionally missed the clay pigeons. To set up the premise of the segment.
07-08-09 12:59:19
hapt1K ::: Favorites
shutup you fool. who cares. its television. find something better to do thanks.
07-08-11 12:21:14
veritas15 ::: Favorites
The Gustav is actually a 84mm recoiless rifle. Yes, that's definitely pyrotechics. The Gustav round is much, much faster. Still love me some top gear, though.
07-08-08 23:00:12
REDO5R1 ::: Favorites
Thats what i do on my motorbike when cars wanna race
07-08-08 22:24:01
JimmyBurger ::: Favorites
EAT LEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07-08-08 16:08:19
klined ::: Favorites
doesnt look fake to me. Looks similar to how our smawslook when they fire.
07-08-08 11:22:50