Friday, August 3, 2007

dear slim part 2

Duration: 275 seconds
Upload Time: 07-01-05 00:13:28
User: RDoubleSCo
:::: Favorites

the song Dear Slim part 2 by kj-52 made by R Double S Co all about kj-52 letter to slim shady also called eminem that was like eminem's song dear stan

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Christiancrawlers ::: Favorites
OK, so you find it easier to believe that a comet formed the earth and everything in it than in a God the loved life so much that he created everything unique.
07-07-27 17:51:37
Christiancrawlers ::: Favorites
it's imposable to for any mammal to evolve into another species. imposable. has never been done and has never found a link to that effect. no missing link has ever been found. ever. the the comet formed us and everything just as you see it today? now thats faith. too bad it's false faith. the only real way that makes since is a God, the God.
07-07-27 17:51:46
Christiancrawlers ::: Favorites
and yes Martin Luther was a sinner. so am i. and you may not want to admit it everyone is a sinner. the only thing is, God has forgiven me of my sins through the Blood of Jesus Christ. as far as Martin Luther, only God knows his heart. many good men and women come and go, but not all will enter heaven.
07-07-27 18:07:04
Christiancrawlers ::: Favorites
mathew 7:13,14 "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
07-07-27 18:07:34
Christiancrawlers ::: Favorites
Jesus said, John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
07-07-27 18:09:36
Christiancrawlers ::: Favorites
and if you think i'm some goody too shoe preacher boy, you are way off. check out my video's. i like the off road get dirty jeep thing. i'm just like you, but i'm forgiven because i asked to be.
07-07-27 18:12:55
sk8erchik16 ::: Favorites
Thats true every one is a sinner..but just ask god for forgiveness!!! He loves you and died for us so ya!!!
07-07-27 18:53:18
RPGFreak1990 ::: Favorites
part 2 is WAY better than part 1!
07-07-28 12:48:25
soccerking ::: Favorites
ey tobyfreefoot ur way off man Christiancrawler is right man God was just lays there no comet came and formed us i mean really we look nothing like monkeys dude god is the "alpha and omega" the beggining and the end man and seriously u think that some how we are exactly the right dstance from the sun to not burn to death, there has to be a creator to know these things u know its just logic sense
07-07-30 21:36:55
balls567 ::: Favorites
anyone know what McAfee is???
07-08-02 02:53:52

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