Friday, September 7, 2007

Digimon World 4 How to get your Digimon's Signature Weapon

Duration: 03:06 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-16 18:41:18
User: BradRy2
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Its pretty simple but takes a very long time to do. I found this method by going through alot FAQ's on the net. Basically you must defeat every boss in hard mode without quitting your game. Then return to death valley and when you make it to the area with the rock traps cross the bridge and fight a giant Numemon once you defeat it will drop your CURRENT digimon's Signature Weapon. To equip it you need to have a skill of (whatever your digimon is supposed to be good in) at 2500. All the Signature weapons greatly raises your stats and each have a specail effect in battle.

mordred90 ::: Favorites
this is a song from final fantasy 8 laguna battle
07-09-05 10:52:11
BradRy2 ::: Favorites
You have to train it for stab. Since he's a Stab Specialist.
07-09-05 01:10:51
clementtng ::: Favorites
soes it mean we mus train the characters specialty like guilmon is stab?or like i train guilmon 4 slash,will it drop slash weapon?
07-09-05 00:39:04
masterpikacheif ::: Favorites
got it thxx ^.^
07-09-01 23:58:10
BradRy2 ::: Favorites
Wisdom is Magic Attack. Spirit is magic defense. Speed is rate of attacking.
07-09-01 23:46:57
BradRy2 ::: Favorites
You cannot turn off your gamecube otherwise the bosses reset. You can do this once per digimon so if you switch to different digimon you can do it again.
07-09-01 23:46:16
masterpikacheif ::: Favorites
last two questions:1 are u sure u cant cut off gamecube to get the weapons/2can u do this twice
07-09-01 22:58:49
BradRy2 ::: Favorites
Since its not a signature weapon. Just buy it.
07-09-01 20:06:31
masterpikacheif ::: Favorites
and what the easist way to get dark crimson?
07-09-01 19:03:53
masterpikacheif ::: Favorites
what dose wisdom,spirt,and speed stats do for you?
07-09-01 18:00:08

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