Monday, August 13, 2007

Brookers on the radio (Kiss 108 FM) Part01

Duration: 361 seconds
Upload Time: 06-07-12 08:24:50
User: XXlovefeetXX
:::: Favorites

Brooke and Missy were today (12th July 06) on the "Matty in the Morning" show.

JohnBoyYea ::: Favorites
OMG SHE'S 20!!!
07-06-02 16:56:08
nuttela18 ::: Favorites
wow those people were rude, they called her videos crap, on the radio,everyone could hear them, and she put so much time into them!!!! well i think ur videos ROCK!!!
07-06-02 20:12:42
lilspys456 ::: Favorites
21 now keep up with the times
07-06-18 00:24:18
lordofdark67 ::: Favorites
i thought she was like sixteen, dude!!
07-06-20 06:20:39
artlover727 ::: Favorites
crap? yea right! Brooke's videos are miracles...NOT crap! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING THIS BECAUSE NOW I KNOW ABOUT WINDOWS MOVIE MAKER! yep.....
07-06-25 12:31:45
Snickers9402 ::: Favorites
wow i can do that?? i have windows movie maker!! i have my slideshows on snickers940(my other account)
07-06-26 23:20:52
xonsmiles ::: Favorites
have you ever heard of bob and tom, better choice. love you.
07-06-30 02:13:50
STEPHANiiExo0 ::: Favorites
i love kiss 108 !
07-07-12 22:53:38
Crackmandan ::: Favorites
When Brookers said, I don't know what they see in me.." I do! We see a bright and hilarious women, who puts smiles on all our faces!
07-07-13 20:31:29
Daxterchick ::: Favorites
Brookers my friend and i neva knew she was dat famous god!
07-07-25 13:43:10

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