Monday, August 13, 2007

18th november 2006- sheffield- muse- knights of cydonia

Duration: 95 seconds
Upload Time: 06-11-19 08:59:07
User: jess1320123
:::: Favorites

WOOOOOOOOO!!!!! muse live at sheffield playing knights of cydonia!

boylio ::: Favorites
How awesome was this!! I was sat right oppostie you too just so you know...
06-11-20 07:36:42
spookyandie ::: Favorites
Great vid, Muse were absolutely brilliant on Saturday.
06-11-20 10:40:29
2345876 ::: Favorites
Brilliant Gig!!! I was about 10 seats away from you!!! Pretty Damn Good Audio on this video!!!
06-11-20 12:43:32
tispayne ::: Favorites
god this is so wierd! i was right at the front standing and i didnt realise the crowd was that big at all!!! i was totally unaware of the size of it!! wow! friggin awesome song & gig!!! glad they finished on it!!
06-11-20 17:08:06
icklejez ::: Favorites
My best night ever! I WAS AT THE FRONT STANDING! check my vids
06-11-22 11:39:57
ladies56 ::: Favorites
wooooooo! this nit was AMAZING! i must of been sat right next to you!lol! this video is INCREDIBLE! best video of th concert! lol!
06-11-24 13:10:30
jess1320123 ::: Favorites
ooooo thankyou. i didn't actually record this video, my dad did, however you can see my fist for a second lol. if you were sat near me, i was one of the girls near the bannister, in a muse top and going hysterical lol.
06-11-26 14:48:34
sillystace ::: Favorites
I was somewhere near the front, and i didn't think they crowd was this big either. What a great song, easily the best of the night.
06-12-03 18:29:33
richeh79 ::: Favorites
brings back such great memories, i was so tired after that gig was constantly jumping around. top video :)
07-02-24 09:18:14
arthiis ::: Favorites
i was like 5 rows from the almighty bellamy cat and my sister was bieng a lemon at front :P it was ace gig COME BACK TO SHEFFY MUSE!!!!!!!!!!!
07-05-31 18:37:48

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