Wednesday, March 26, 2008

[NAM-1975 ] 1coin clear 3/3

Duration: 10:26 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-11 23:33:14

ナンシー・ムックリー撃破w 最後の女 顔怖すぎ 敵とわかっていれば身動きが出来なくとも容赦はしないw


figment1988  2008-02-13 19:33:28

that's just one allusion to FMJ, if you look at Player 1's helmet in the intro, it has the "born to kill" quote (even though it only shows "to kill")
tao54s  2008-02-12 23:09:05

edecildo  2008-01-13 14:16:01

Like the guy,i can kill the last boos without die
Beetyborscht  2008-01-11 04:08:54

lol, why in the Hell is there a sign that says "Hello, what is your name" in russian?
Ebb1993  2008-01-04 17:31:44

It's the sniper girl from Full Metal Jacket! (7:49 sec. mark)

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