Monday, October 8, 2007

Fire Misson

Duration: 07:59 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-02 05:05:05
User: diverkev
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Video shot in 1992 at Ft. Sill Ok. at a Military Exposition. This demonstration showed how Field Artillery is used on todays Battle Field.


musicman4ursoul ::: Favorites
5th Army 1stBn A Company "No mission to difficult No sacrifice to great"
07-08-08 02:40:53
musicman4ursoul ::: Favorites
Man! where are the 155mm's M114's the BIG BOYS the real stuff! Tha BIG BANG! the 102mm and the 105mm were okay but the 155's make you bust a big nutt when they go off "BOOM" 13 b 10 here baby GunBunny all day! AG on the lap of the trail spread em wide boys!
07-08-08 02:36:37
cmcdanie90 ::: Favorites
I did basic training and AIT(13 weeks) at Ft Sill OK. Do anyone remember the 1,2,3 club where you can buy a kiss from a female for dollar? Ha ha! Cannon crew change position! "Prime charge white bag, I see red!" You learn all that good stuff artillery school.
07-07-08 13:28:40
diverkev ::: Favorites
OMG I remember the 123 Club. I went to Lance Missile School there and was assigned to the 1/17FA where I worked in Special Weapons. I went to Special Weapons oe Nuclear Cannoneer Schools there. I spent a few years in Germany working with the Lance Missile. You can check out mywebsite for more photo's
07-07-08 19:28:10
musicman4ursoul ::: Favorites
Remember the Red Leg and the Casson. Check Point Charlies. Ha HA the IHOP on Ft Sill Blvd. Remember that dinky lil airport we used to come in on and leave on. HA HA HA!!!
07-08-08 02:42:59
diverkev ::: Favorites
Remember the clubs right off post on Ft Sill Blvd?
07-08-08 04:16:17
cmcdanie90 ::: Favorites
I love these kinds of show because you don't have to put that damm net up! Easy march order. Where are my 13b at ? C battery 1st/ 321st FA Ft Campbell KY Air Assault all the way!
07-07-08 04:24:25
diverkev ::: Favorites
Glad you enjoyed the video. |Have you ever been to Ft. Sill Ok for school.
07-07-08 04:43:52
diverkev ::: Favorites
Thanks I'm glad you enjoyed it. There are a lot more videos to come so check back.
07-04-12 06:43:14
numb3r47 ::: Favorites
Nice vid. man!
07-04-12 05:49:41

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