Monday, August 27, 2007

Whitest Kids: Dear Black People

Duration: 01:11 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-07 05:54:10
User: JesusCookies
:::: Favorites

Danny decides to wright a letter to his fellow African-Americans.

mebsce87 ::: Favorites
this is some funny shit. lol
07-08-26 23:24:37
fghjkl987654321 ::: Favorites
ahahh this is so jks
07-08-25 19:46:45
lightbulbisred ::: Favorites
07-08-25 14:25:57
tehmasterpwner ::: Favorites
Noiseandheatt is fuckin right, u people dont know shit, if there was a video that made fun of white people in anyway, you'd all be pissed
07-08-25 04:40:14
jwarfox ::: Favorites
uhh wtf? how is what your saying in any response to noiseandheatt's comment?
07-08-25 18:49:46
CopCarss ::: Favorites
ahahaha, bullshit. you could make a video making fun of white people, and i'll prolly LOL at it.
07-08-27 02:15:26
Noiseandheatt ::: Favorites
ahh stfu. chris rock says it all. theres a difference between perfectly decent black people and niggaz. the same with perfectly decent white people and rednecks/crackers. theres always two sides of every races that form steriotypes. but be the better person and dont live up to them. thats how we can solve everything.
07-08-24 22:49:04
jwarfox ::: Favorites
in my opinion black people are using the fact that they were slaves. They are using that fact to get all the attention and all the glory today.
07-08-24 16:52:50
newmanjimmy ::: Favorites
lol yes that is very true about the black people today. they are so arrogant i swear( not to be racist or anything its true)
07-08-24 17:00:18
Roguexd ::: Favorites
LOL Amen!!
07-08-24 17:02:26
jwarfox ::: Favorites
. white people show black people they are "gangster" black kids today think they are cool because they are black. Black kids today look and idolize the fake gangster rapper that used to look up on the black people that "bang"bang"
07-08-24 16:51:03
jwarfox ::: Favorites
This is a perfect example of the black people today. Black people are becoming what they used to hate... .. man this is what pisses me off. white people give freedom to black. Black people go around and shoot and/or discriminate white people. White people get scared. White people let black people be on tv.
07-08-24 16:50:13
EvilCollector96 ::: Favorites
07-08-23 21:21:39
wInDsPuReSt ::: Favorites
ROFL!!!! I love it So funny!!
07-08-22 16:37:40
defenderofgaia ::: Favorites
07-08-22 16:26:40
47jaxn ::: Favorites
07-08-22 03:38:19
Vdragon112 ::: Favorites
dear danny matherson SHUT THE FUCK UP! lol
07-08-22 00:12:03
DeathSephiroth ::: Favorites
These are all facts, the slave thing is a BAD ARGUMENT! Just a reson for you to expressing prejudices, keeping a certain status quo, prejudices can be racial issues, that can also be about expressing hate?!?! I think that's bad, the vid in itself is kinda funny but true...
07-08-21 12:19:40
DeathSephiroth ::: Favorites
Shure in America the economy with whites are higher, but that's not my point, my point is that, whites helps our more than you might think, and looking at history they've even fought and died for the blacks right to freedom, helped them out etc. There have been other races including blacks themselfs capturing, trading, selling, black slaves. Slaves has been happening since the beginning of time in every part of the world, and in blacks case it has only led to the better.
07-08-21 12:14:49
DeathSephiroth ::: Favorites
Besides the slave trade took place 400years ago, it's time to let that one go, the slave trade was for the better for the blacks, whites have fought and died for blacks freedom, everyday white send many in donations to blacks in Africa according to studys;52-53 billions are from Americans mostly "white areas", Europe with 16billion, Asia with 8.6billion, south America with 1.5billion, middle east with 930million. Middle east is more wealthy than you might think!
07-08-21 12:11:25

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