Monday, August 27, 2007

UFO Hypotheses - Peggy Kane Volume One (01 of 24)

Duration: 05:58 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-07 09:02:12
User: ufohypotheses
:::: Favorites

In the first-ever DVD of the "UFO Hypotheses" series, UFO researcher and talk show host Peggy Kane ("UFOAZ," "Off The Record," and "The Cutting Edge," all public access talk shows originating out of Tucson, Arizona) discusses her odyssey into the strange realms of EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) and RS (Reverse Speech), which led her into ongoing conversations with the dead now residing in the lower astral world. Her research also led to a multi-year contact with one Francis Haley, an endentured servant-turned adventurer who died in 1830. As she explored further, Ms. Kane clarified decades worth of research and began to formulate her own UFO hypothesis. Ms. Kane is now convinced that a reptilian ET race from Orion has taken control of this lower astral realm. Her hypothesis also suggests that the reptilian ET "gods" colonized our Earth long ago, and continue to use Earth humans as a slave race and food source. (Not intended for anyone under 18 years of age.)

revolutionpermin ::: Favorites
Bertrand Russell: What a man believes upon grossly insufficient evidence is an index into his desires -- desires of which he himself is often unconscious. If a man is offered a fact which goes against his instincts, he will scrutinize it closely, and unless the evidence is overwhelming, he will refuse to believe it. If, on the other hand, he is offered something which affords a reason for acting in accordance to his instincts, he will accept it even on the slightest evidence.
07-08-26 21:20:15
bryanna22real ::: Favorites
Find a fun fling today at DAYFLING dot COM
07-08-18 22:19:00
funzuluDOTcom ::: Favorites
Volunteers W-A-N-T-E-D!! LET'S CRUSH This New World Order. Join funzulu . com today 100% FREE, we have 275 mind blowing videos, A 30 STEP METHODICAL plan TO defeat the N.W.O., together we will overcome, if we continue to fight each other and disagree they won, we lost!! you chose!! v-o-l-u-n-t-e-e-r-s w-a-n-t-e-d N-O-W!! the word has to get out!! you watch the first 5-6 videos and you'll feel compelled to help get the word out, WE GUARANTEE IT!! Click on "Get Smart Tab" top middle
07-08-10 02:14:58
revolutionpermin ::: Favorites
My doubts are about the Dreaded Draconians or Reptilians. New World Order, secret government and our so called leaders attending to heir own agenda instead of ours, I have no doubt. Reverse speech? A load of Bull S***. EVP? Still researching.
07-08-08 16:13:58
Yr1999 ::: Favorites
It's a fact, the New World Order is real. Check this out: w w w(DOT)freewebs(DOT)com/911truthseeker
07-08-07 02:55:59
revolutionpermin ::: Favorites
A little known video which closely parallels the claims and believability of this video series can be found by doing a search for "Ymir" on this web site.
07-08-02 23:02:51
revolutionpermin ::: Favorites
If not you are merely following blindly. If you are putting me down because I ask questions and do not follow blindly, then logical thought processes are alien to you. No offense. I just need more proof than this.
07-08-02 17:59:40
ufo1974 ::: Favorites
my apology to revolutionpermin my question was dircted to peggy not to yourself. I was asking why she trusted the voice that tricked her, we are new to this and got it a bit wrong so sorry again i agree with your comments
07-08-03 04:07:47
revolutionpermin ::: Favorites
Sorry. I was wondering how you could see my reply this way.
07-08-04 10:01:53
revolutionpermin ::: Favorites
1. Respectfully, ufo1974, if you are answering my "Give one good reason" question, well, Peggy Cane has not tricked me from the start. I can't see how anyone with the ability to think and reason would follow her story blindly. Have you studied the reversed speech she has listened to that she bases her conclusions on?
07-08-02 17:59:06
ufo1974 ::: Favorites
why do you trust someone who tricked you from the start you are creating your own reality and its a negative one there are other higher realms of existance but you have to be vibrating at that frequency once you get draged down in to a lower frequency thats all you can see
07-08-02 04:44:45
revolutionpermin ::: Favorites
If I am creating my own reality, you are creating your own unreality. I prefer reality.
07-08-03 01:10:47
revolutionpermin ::: Favorites
Give one good, believable, logic based reason why the Draconians or Reptilians would not know or use reverse speech analysis to deceive the human race. Also, why would they want us to know their intentions by allowing reverse speech to reveal their plans to us?
07-07-30 23:21:16
revolutionpermin ::: Favorites
There is no getting around the logic that the Dracs know and use reverse speech analysis to deceive you.
07-07-30 23:16:00
revolutionpermin ::: Favorites
One more time: Super smart Draconians letting us dumb humans reverse speech analyze them and finding out their true intentions? If we know this phenom, wouldn't you think that they know it? They are liars and deceivers you say? So they are not going to use this phenom to fool you? If these Dracs are as smart as you say, then nothing that they have revealed in your reverse speech analysis can be trusted because they have arranged it to deceive you.
07-07-30 23:12:26
AgentJoannaDark ::: Favorites
hey full Peggy Kane Vol 1 video here : video(.)google(.)com/videoplay?docid=692524212659068187 AgentJoannaDark
07-07-23 02:36:50
dimphil ::: Favorites
Peggy admits that the Reptiles were deceivers that appeared as good when they were in fact evil. How does she know that the agendas portrayed by the Reptilians of human sacrifice are not just bullshit?
07-07-22 04:19:06
revolutionpermin ::: Favorites
Yes. Everyone should check it out. If you want to believe this B*** S*** drink a 12 pack or several mixed drinks before viewing. The only thing that I got from the video was 10 minutes and some few seconds older.
07-07-18 23:32:33
woghd ::: Favorites
Look at: Live Reptilian Response - Reptile Woman
07-07-18 21:13:39
revolutionpermin ::: Favorites
07-07-20 22:41:32

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