Thursday, August 30, 2007


Duration: 04:43 minutes
Upload Time: 06-04-26 04:05:15
User: ra1gon
:::: Favorites

Scaring some shit out of people

whales ::: Favorites
the graveyard stuff is obviously staged people. the whole point of the video was to build up to this inconceivable extreme.
07-08-28 13:09:08
exander1990 ::: Favorites
not funny
07-08-27 06:54:20
thebitterpill3 ::: Favorites
OMG THIS IS THE FUCKING FUNNIEST SHIT I EVER SEEN! so simple yet so funny and what makes it even better is they all get pissed at the end
07-08-27 03:26:16
akayummygrl ::: Favorites
very disrespectful at the graveyard
07-08-26 19:44:18
padman1234 ::: Favorites
a little funny but disrespestful to grieving people at grave yard. They will sur ly get their comeuppance though won't they! hehe..
07-08-26 07:57:03
harmlesshamster ::: Favorites
Man, the one where he scares the shit out of the bowler, that was priceless... but at the cemetary where people are paying respects to their loved ones in privte and you come up and pull stupid shit, not funny really. Just mean.
07-08-25 09:39:37
harmlesshamster ::: Favorites
07-08-25 09:36:19
Gmasterxd2000 ::: Favorites
yea its all funny but pushing that old man...NOT FUNNY MAN NOT FUNNY!!!!
07-08-24 23:10:37
SavedByHim46 ::: Favorites
most ppl go to a graveyard to mourn, and scaring them there is not appropriate. go scare a bunch of cocky teenagers roaming it at midnight. you might actually make a difference.
07-08-22 15:43:29
se4821 ::: Favorites
these guys are morons and deserve a good asskickin. but some of that shit was funny
07-08-22 03:46:31

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