Thursday, August 30, 2007

Jordan on expert 100% GH2

Duration: 05:11 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-08 14:33:44
User: feinpastry
:::: Favorites

He is amazing!

VancouverLuongo ::: Favorites
07-08-28 20:17:40
Rickyblingking ::: Favorites
retarded kids god they are actually gay becuz the kid with the cam is like "u are so amazing" and other gay shit i dont remember and it is obvious its hake becuz around 2:03 u can see on the tv that the screen moves and u see another outline of a tv retarded gay kids couldnt even get a fake recording that doesnt move the screen and at least be serious and not laugh a lot and take ur hand off the guitar.....fucking dumbshits
07-08-28 19:04:22
Almightytoaster ::: Favorites
It's funny, because in the middle of a couple sustains he strums. Then in a big line of the same notes the faggot holding the cam goes "There's so many hammer ons and pull offs here".
07-08-27 03:15:26
dave2711 ::: Favorites
07-08-26 14:10:25
JoHnNyRaInBoW357 ::: Favorites
if he had any balls...
07-08-25 20:00:16
Mysterymb ::: Favorites
how fuckin stupid do u think we are u fuckin pansy ass faggots, they were even stupid enough to show us the xbox which diddnt have a controller on and pluss those arent even xbox input cables in the tv and u can even obviously see they are plaing a dvd or tape of somone doing jordan on expert. burn in hell and grow some balls u fuckin quiefs
07-08-25 07:22:56
elitexsauce ::: Favorites
dumb AS SHIT!!! the only person i know of that is about to 100% it is Hell Ashes!
07-08-25 00:02:22
deathstik ::: Favorites
this is so fake I bet u he sucks big times!!!!!!!!!1
07-08-24 21:09:03
BloodyHawk39 ::: Favorites
I guess these kids can even past the song.
07-08-24 19:27:21
wrestlingdude321 ::: Favorites
grow some balls and sprout a penis losers
07-08-24 19:10:02

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