Sunday, August 5, 2007

Mrs. Thing and Mrs. Entity's flashback

Duration: 384 seconds
Upload Time: 06-07-06 01:51:03
User: dirtyoldsod
:::: Favorites

Mrs. Thing and Mrs. Entity/Beethoven's mynah bird/Shakespeare/Michaelangelo/Colin Mozart (Ratcatcher)

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prawnsalad ::: Favorites
fabulous! one of my favourite.
07-05-21 15:41:02
Schwarznasen ::: Favorites
Get off the piano you stupid, furry, buck-toothed gits! Classic!!
07-06-15 21:02:32
NGS712 ::: Favorites
ricarleite: and apparently a revolver too.
07-07-28 01:40:24
XxToKyOmEwxX ::: Favorites
Mozart and Beetoven werent even alive at the same time lol
07-08-01 01:19:50
NGS712 ::: Favorites
Actually they were, but Beethoven didn't become famous until after Mozart died.
07-08-02 20:45:19
XxToKyOmEwxX ::: Favorites
no, no, i don thtink they were. last sunday this was the episode that played and my mother, whom loves both composers music, said they werent alive at the same time
07-08-02 22:18:04
NGS712 ::: Favorites
Beethoven was born in 1770 and Mozart died in 1791, so there was a brief span in which they lived at the same time. There's actually supposed to be a story that they met in Vienna when Beethoven was studying music.
07-08-03 16:37:45
XxToKyOmEwxX ::: Favorites
......they never met.
07-08-03 21:50:38
NGS712 ::: Favorites
I never said it was true, it's just a story.
07-08-03 23:25:43
XxToKyOmEwxX ::: Favorites
ah well i doubt they lived at the same time. Let just belive what we want and end this argument lol
07-08-03 23:29:27

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