Sunday, August 5, 2007

MLG Meadowlands :: FFA Round 2 :: GuN Sh0t PoV

Duration: 981 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-22 07:34:51
User: airguitar901
:::: Favorites

Exclusive gameplay from MLG '07 at Meadowlands. GuN Sh0t pulls off some great plays this game. Lots of multikills against some of the best in the league. *From VoD*

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xlXlevAnlXlx ::: Favorites
just turn ur speakers off u fucking rat bags quit knocking airguitar u fags
07-07-29 13:59:40
eltimmay0 ::: Favorites
any one with mlg in there name sucks cock
07-07-29 14:59:49
CkyMetallicaOwn ::: Favorites
pisto1a is in theonesminionz isn't he?
07-07-29 18:07:57
PeEkUhChEwEd ::: Favorites
You stupid idiots, Gun shot didn't say "pull the trigga n***a" to karma, he was banned because he used part of the MLG TV show in his tage and acted like he was better than MLG. He's a lot nicer and more mature now than he was back then. Stupid kids on youtube, I swear.
07-07-30 00:27:01
NotAnOgre12 ::: Favorites
ok what about MLG Tsquared
07-07-30 13:02:47
hellothere11 ::: Favorites
wth is VoD?
07-07-30 18:03:16
3LiZeR ::: Favorites
It Means Video On Demand
07-07-31 19:43:38
Halogrunt4ever ::: Favorites
X MLG Grunt X If u wanna play custom add me :]
07-08-02 16:47:43
Easylorddd ::: Favorites
that was close ôÔ
07-08-03 18:48:05
Wallyyyyyyyyyy ::: Favorites
acually you stupid fuck he did call Ben the N word. but i dont expect you to know that cause you dont know him. quite makin it sound like you know Gun Shot. hes still a lil bitch, yea hes good at halo but he is still just a lil pussy.
07-08-03 22:05:05

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