Tuesday, August 14, 2007

MGS4 Trailer (raiden's return) - Strong and Strike

Duration: 123 seconds
Upload Time: 06-08-24 06:51:16
User: RyuHayabusa360
:::: Favorites

this is the final scene of the official Metal Gear Solid 4 Trailer, shown on this year's E3 in LA, where raiden from MGS2 appears in that pretty cool suit from MGS1 (forgot the name. to all fans out here: sry ^^' ). as it was represented without music, i tried to find a fast and suiting song in my gallery. unfortunately there is no other song that fits by time AND style, so i took strong and strike from the naruto OST. but honestly, that song fits (apart from seriousness) absolutely PERFECT!!! watch the similarities ^^

TehAznGeneration ::: Favorites
O Shiet!~ hes BAaaaacccccccccccccck!
06-08-30 20:38:06
aeris211 ::: Favorites
06-10-03 09:03:59
link20098 ::: Favorites
lol this is good
07-03-29 22:32:48
MasteroftheForce1337 ::: Favorites
Well, I guess this fits since Raiden is a ninja. Though he could definitely beat the crap out of Naruto.
07-04-01 16:08:26
sickwitit98 ::: Favorites
raiden for the reunions much better than this vid.
07-04-09 22:06:48
robmahon ::: Favorites
Gosh he's a sick bastard!
07-05-14 22:50:46
randomv3iwer ::: Favorites
Damn this raiden is hell alot better thsn the MGS3 mock up version. He's a tottal bad ass, will screw your girlfriend over a rug made of your skin and kill her and piss on her too. Damn can't wait for this game to come out
07-06-03 13:37:40
tow34511 ::: Favorites
you know no matter how meny cyborg ninjas they put in mgs it's never going to be the same as gray fox and i hate to say it but even good ol'(not so ol')raiden isn't going to cut it and um....the olga MR.X thing well that was just pathetic and take note of the ---MR--- part
07-06-26 01:27:12

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