Saturday, September 1, 2007

War Driving (hacking WiFi)

Duration: 03:36 minutes
Upload Time: 06-07-22 14:04:43
User: dougchick
:::: Favorites

This is a Fox Story about how hackers access your home computer from in front of your home.

jiujitsu909 ::: Favorites
war driving is legal and people who get routers well reaserch shows at least 75 % of people dont secure there internet so any one could gain access to there computers and use there internet
07-08-19 19:39:14
shaggie90i ::: Favorites
Wow, No comment to fxscreamer... I obviously know what you do not.
07-08-19 00:33:55
podojones ::: Favorites
The average person doesn't even know how to read(a computer book) or turn on WPA for their wireless network.
07-08-18 21:51:38
phi11ywi11y ::: Favorites
Wardriving isn't illegal. PIGGYBACKING is illegal. >_< Wardriving is just LOOKING for wireless networks. It's very legal. Hell, google for "WiGLE". Christ.
07-07-10 10:08:38
Badeofblade ::: Favorites
WTF, why is this shot like a hollywood film? Why does it sound like one, too? Wow, your computers can get hacked. That is a fact of life. And if you have a computer and AREN'T "a little tech savvy", than bullocks to you. And no, not *anyone* can do it, because then *anyone* would know how to protect it. And if war driving is so illegal, how did their tech guys check it out? /rant lol "And DOWNLOAD ILLEGAL MUSIC." Wow, worst thing you blokes at fox could think of?
07-07-08 11:06:24
alexOfDeath ::: Favorites
Lool, Fox35 is where I live. I'ma go Wardrive them.
07-07-07 13:57:21
Makedonce93 ::: Favorites
ok now!!! were not all in america
07-07-05 05:12:42
musicfreakcc ::: Favorites
Wardriving is not hacking; its scanning for open wireless access points. Active wardriving is perfectly legal. By the way, in some states, connecting to unprotected AP's is perfectly legal. Even if you use WEP encryption, you are still vulnerable to attacks.
07-06-05 15:39:27
radioguy95 ::: Favorites
Wardriving is LEGAL Stupid Ass, Where did you get your info from? Looks like having a BS (BullShit) degree in journalism doesn't make you any smarter then working at McDonalds banging Ronald. This goes to show how stupid you have to be to get into being a TV/Radio reporter. Its a good jobs for nerds/loners. After all, they can lie about anything and still feel good about it.
07-04-20 14:22:22
ornosos ::: Favorites
omg war driving is wrong look with your wireless network the war driver can use up your Internet hours and even downloads by downloading shit from kazaa
07-04-13 04:11:37

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