Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Türk özel kuvvetler komutanlığı special force turkish army

Duration: 06:02 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-01 13:47:03
User: Turkishwarrior2007
:::: Favorites

Military Personnel in Northern Cyprus Turk asker Turkish soldier Turkiye Turkey Armed Forces Navy Air Force Stars Military Fighting Warrior Turk land air forces helicopter Heli Attack Operations Super Cobra Skorsky Apache Comanche defense team commandos sat sas komando F16 TuAF HAF dogfight greek greece Hellenic air force Turkish Fighting Falcon Aegean Sea Ege denizi Gendarmerie Mountain Activities JOAK Commandos Gendarme Special Forces operasyon atak dag komandosu jandarma piyade ozel kahramanlar harp war savas baris gucu gücü power Mustafa Kemal ATA Ataturk Turkcu Turchia Turkei Turkey Tuerkei harbiye kara deniz hava harp silahlı akademi tugay tümen karakol mekanize zırhlı zirhli piyade ordu ordusu tatbikat leopar tank tankci tankçı harekat asia europe tsk Fighting Warrior türkçüler atsiz nihal ulkucu bozkurt Turkmeneli Turkman Erbil Tellafer iraqiyoon cyprus north savas armed forces silahlı kuvvetleri army metal pop rap hiphop music galatasaray besiktas fenerbahce It is not possible to give an exactly accurate number of military personnel serving in northern Cyprus, due to conflicting public sources of information. Estimated active military personnel serving in northern Cyprus at any given time are: * 35,000 regular troops of the Turkish Army * 4,500 regular troops of the Turkish Cypriot Security Forces [edit] Military Equipment in Northern Cyprus Again, it is not possible to give an exactly accurate number of types of military equipment in northern Cyprus, due to conflicting public sources of information, and in this case, the information is presented as estimates. [edit] Main Battle Tanks * M48A5T1 ~ 156 - 169 (Imported before 1990) * M48A5T2 ~ 231 (Imported between 1994 and 1998) * M48A2C ~ 9 (Imported before 1990) [edit] Armoured Fighting Vehicles * AIFV / AAPC ~ 208 (Imported after 1995) [edit] Armoured Personnel Carriers * M113A1 ~ 255 (Imported after 1995) [edit] Self Propelled Howitzers * M110A2 ~ 12 * M44T ~ 24 * M52T ~ 36 [edit] Multiple Rocket Launchers * T-122 ~ 18 [edit] Towed Howitzers * various calibers (including M114A1)~ 138 [edit] Anti-Tank Missiles * Konkurs ~ 18 * TOW ~ 36 (Imported in 1994) * MILAN ~ 48 [edit] Recoiless Rifles * M40A1 ~ 170 [edit] Mortars * various calibers ~ 205 * radar-assisted ~ 4 [edit] Historical Background to the Turkish Military in Cyprus The Turkish Army has retained a permament military presence in Cyprus since 1960, along with Greece, originally in the form of a garrison, authorised by the Cyprus Constitution of 1960. This is the order of battle of those forces, prior to 1974: Gφnyeli Grubu (Gφnyeli Group) * 2 Piyade Bolugu (2nd Infantry Company) * 3 Piyade Bolugu (3rd Infantry Company) * Agir Silah Bolugu (Heavy Weapons Company) Ortakoy Grubu (Ortakoy Group) * 1 Piyade Bolugu (1st Infantry Company) * 4 Piyade Bolugu (4th Infantry Company) * Alay Kh. Srv. Bolugu (Regimental HQ Company) In July 1974, Turkey invaded the north of Cyprus after a coup by the Cypriot National Guard against the democratically-elected President, Archbishop Makarios III. Turkish forces involved in the 1974 action included: * An airborne (parachute) brigade (Brig.Gen. Everen) * A commando brigade (Brig.Gen. Demirbag) * A Special Strike Force Landing Brigade (Brig.Gen. Tuncer) * The 39th Infantry Division (Maj.Gen. Demirel) * The 28th Infantry Division (Maj.Gen. Polat) Since the 16th of August 1974, the Turkish Army has retained occpuational control of the northern 37% of Cyprus. [edit] Officers and Unit Structure The current commanding officers of the Turkish Army are: * Chief of the Turkish General Staff: General Yaşar Büyükanıt * Commander of the Army: General İlker Başbuğ The Cyprus Turkish Forces Command is an independent command from the rest of the Turkish Army, and is equipped with two mechanised infantry divisions, as well as supporting external brigades and regiments. [edit] Sources * Cyprus Mail, Thursday, November 19, 1998 * Phileleftheros, Wednesday, November 18, 1998 * Cyprus News Agency, October 8, 1998 * Cyprus News Agency, November 21, 1997 * Cyprus News Agency, October 27, 1997 * The Military Balance 1996/97, The International Institute for Strategic Studies, London. * 2004 - 2005 Defence Bible (Stratigiki) * "Cyprus, 1974", by T. Cooper and N. Tselepidis, published October 28th 2003 for

31cekNamussuz ::: Favorites
Wer will sehen wie alle kurden sterben ? Dann schaut euch das Video an ! watch?v=KRVhZg5DQrs
07-09-04 05:36:30
sychoTurk ::: Favorites
Bu ordu adamın amına koyar, yunanlının ve pkk'lının anasının amında kale kurup tek kale maç bile yapar
07-09-04 03:45:17
ahdv0135 ::: Favorites
Then don't provocate us talking about the earthquake stupid idiots. We couldn't help it. İt hapenned and we suffered a lot. İf you don't use the sufferings of us, we won't use your sufferings. That's all.
07-09-02 22:55:31
diven83 ::: Favorites
there was 400 fires and the winds were high you stupied!!!!!!!!! IF YOU DON'T KWNOW YOU BETTER DON'T TALK!
07-09-01 18:57:55
CrazyAxe07 ::: Favorites
Nobody should underestimate Turkey, as the did in the past. Look back into history to understand that. Nobody can beat the Turks in the world! That is fact. We founded more than 20 Empires you little bastards, fuck off and shut up!!! NE MUTLU TÜRKÜM DIYENE!
07-09-01 16:00:53
lazanya ::: Favorites
Ingilizce bilmeyenler icin de yazalım. "irfan786in" denen folloşa adam sanıp iyi niyetle cevap veren olmuş. Her ordu videosunun altına kötü niyetle aynı soruyu yazmış. Favorilerine ekledigi videolar icinde Ataturk hakkinda igrenc videolar da var. Bilginize..
07-09-01 06:19:53
ahdv0135 ::: Favorites
You think from here you look like something? You're wrong. You're still nothing without your big!!! brothers. Enjoy yourselves with lies:)
07-08-31 21:27:38
ahdv0135 ::: Favorites
Future in Greece?:))) 7 days of fire 64 dead bodies and asking help from here and there? No thanks, İ won't take a future like this. Go cure yourself first.Where was your army idiot?:)Civilized my ass:)
07-08-31 21:23:38
theturk1915 ::: Favorites
skaramanlis you whoreson before you look to your future which will be fucked bad for you, first look into your fucked history! we have dropped you down into the aegean sea in 1922 your grandfather had swom back from izmir to athen! 1974 we have fucked you in cyprus! at a time when the fucked greek milice bitches said that even the u.s. could not conquer the island!
07-08-31 11:44:51
malozkan ::: Favorites
sunlardan bıtasının karsına cıksa erkek gıbı pkk lıda gorsek sonunu
07-08-31 11:14:37

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