Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Ignore Young Earth Creationists

Duration: 09:00 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-18 01:25:29
User: TheBurne
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If someone believes the universe is only 6000 years old, you'd better believe that you will NEVER get through to them, on any level. So don't bother. Just walk away.

dbsti300 ::: Favorites
Comment for gracebass
07-09-10 22:49:54
dbsti300 ::: Favorites
I cannot see God, hear him, nor has he ever been in front of me or coming towards me. I should listen to this guy in the vid.
07-09-10 22:38:45
macman13 ::: Favorites
"Not everything is a guess, only things that cannot be proven." Using the definition of proof that creationists apply to evolution, nothing can be proven. "you can never say without a doubt that evolution is a fact!" Well, I can see it happen in real time. Seems pretty convincing to me.
07-09-05 00:12:06
macman13 ::: Favorites
you could, but you'd be wrong.
07-09-05 00:09:48
macman13 ::: Favorites
"Unlike Atheists, Creationists qualify scientific dicoveries based upon empirical evidence. If it can be repeated, tested, demonstrated & observed then it is science." Creationism is none of those, evolution is all of them. "I cannot "prove" God exists" No you can't, and you should think about that for a while. "but Atheists claim that they "know" evolution is real" Wrong, Scientists don't claim to know anything beyond a shadow of a doubt, just beyond reasonable doubt.
07-09-05 00:09:28
gracebass ::: Favorites
I believe because God has shown me. Not in a book, but in my spirit, my heart, my body, my soul. You know in your heart that murder is wrong, you know in your heart, fornication (casual sex) is wrong, but you ignore it & make excuses to sin. What's disrespectful to God is knowing that what you are doing is wrong & not doing anything about it.
07-09-04 21:09:02
gracebass ::: Favorites
Not everything is a guess, only things that cannot be proven. If you cannot be on the planet Mars, then some things may be an educated guess, that's common sense. If you cannot travel in a time machine 2 millions years ago, then most things will be an educated guess. But, with those things, you can never say without a doubt that evolution is a fact!
07-09-04 21:05:04
gracebass ::: Favorites
No, if a train was coming toward me then I get out of the way. I can see it; I can hear it; I might even fell the vibrations of it; I can believe it. Unfortunately, evolution cannot be any of those.
07-09-04 21:01:17
gracebass ::: Favorites
I could say the same about evolutionists.
07-09-04 20:59:11
Germanswisscheese ::: Favorites
How about your fault that your arrogant enough to believe that you can read the will and wants of god from a book. That your arrogant enough to think yourself able to understand even a fraction, even a hair, even a molocule of the truth that would be contained within an almighty. Even thinking that the bible is god's message to humanity is so disrespectful of god simply because it can be argued over.
07-09-03 15:01:59

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