Thursday, September 20, 2007

Chavez gets bush

Duration: 04:30 minutes
Upload Time: 06-05-30 17:31:11
User: azote
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the president chavez calls all kind of stuff to the president of usa

venezraider ::: Favorites
inteligenciaprimero that is absolute B/S the lot of the poor in Venezuela is far better than prior to Chavez, poverty rates are declining, people are empowered, and the missions and community councils are improving the whole country, the only people who are angry are the oligarchs who've lost their free ride and cannot abide the fact a non white is President, keep drinking the US corporate media bullshit, while we march forward ! Viva Chavez, Viva le Revolucion, Viva 21st Century Socialism !
07-09-06 12:48:12
cuco1271 ::: Favorites
Mr. Danger jajajajajajajajaja este tio es la misma Polla en vinagre. En cierta manera tiene algo de razon en sus citas , pero tambien deberia hacer un ejercicio de autocritica. NO!!!
07-09-03 12:18:11
forcerecon238 ::: Favorites
oh man he sure showed us!
07-08-31 16:50:42
regusted ::: Favorites
We don't need a fascist caudillo nor the imperialism of Bush. NECESITAMOS LA LIBERTAD Y EL MERCADO LIBRE!
07-08-01 22:52:44
inteligenciaprimero ::: Favorites
Chavez was elected in 1998 on a wave of popular support and quickly established a reputation as Latin America's most charismatic leader. But his popularity plummeted as he antagonised almost every sector of society, his administration is hobbled by inefficiency, and an inability to tackle Venezuela's economic problems and rising crime rate and failed to improve the lot of the poor
07-07-25 23:16:56
crusader92 ::: Favorites
Bueno Rocio, me halagas! Gracias, y perdon por la rudeza. A veces puedo ser un perfecto imbecil! Cordiales saludos para ti tambien, y que tengas una muy feliz semana... Steven
07-07-15 20:53:35
RhOLeOn ::: Favorites
steven*!no hay problema con tus opiniones!!!=) ademas me gustan.
07-07-15 17:37:02
RhOLeOn ::: Favorites
no vale, yo no kiero discutir...creo q este medio es de opiniones diferentes, y yo particularmente pienso q no se debe discutir, es tu opinion y se te respeta, al igual q espero me respetes lo q pienso....y tranquilo que no necesito tus recomendaciones..!!!saludos+!
07-07-15 17:32:46
OverlordShamala02 ::: Favorites
Si, lei EEUU a comprado petroleo a Venenzuela y Peru en los anos 60. Y todavia sigue comprando.
07-07-15 16:47:33
Romi260986 ::: Favorites
claro mi pana CITGO is owned by the retard Chavez, y hay muchisimas Citgos a lo largo de toda US
07-07-15 12:29:00

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