Saturday, September 29, 2007

Birth in Clear Tank

Duration: 02:31 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-15 11:37:13
User: RaisinRozen
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Waterbirth in a clear tank. Sorry for no audio.


FamilySimFemale ::: Favorites
The tank doesn't look comfy - and where is the sound??
07-09-26 10:24:08
carolineweeks ::: Favorites
I am not sure I like the style of the pool, great for observers, but the shape does not allow the mother to move freely and position herself into her own comfortable position, she is in a 'stranded beetle' position, whihc is not conducive for birth.
07-09-25 09:35:14
carolineweeks ::: Favorites
the midwife/doctor should not have been touching that baby at ll during the birthing process! Watrbirth is strictly hands off due to the stimulation from being touching prompting the baby to breath underwater! They are lucky they didn't have problems. Also checking for the nuchal cord wasn't necessary nor is looping it back over the baby's head. That baby would have birthed through that nuchal cord without any problems.
07-09-25 09:33:27
gennealabama ::: Favorites
cool but i would be claustophobic in that tank.
07-09-24 21:37:56
MSHoadley ::: Favorites
Interesting! I felt while watching this that the baby may have been under the water too long, however I'm no Doctor.
07-09-24 12:39:50
girlofgodscountry ::: Favorites
The baby doesn't begin to breathe until brought into the air. So they are fine in the water. As for why they leave them in so long, it may be to let them acclimate slowly to more room, hands touching, etc.
07-09-23 22:10:51
Notawesomeatall7 ::: Favorites
Yes, lets leave the nearly born infant in the water as long as possible.
07-09-23 21:50:00
xpolandzfinestx ::: Favorites
true but it's a lot less pain because of the water buoyancy :)
07-09-23 19:00:59
laughmesad ::: Favorites
What country is this from? I saw some waterbirths from Russia and they kept the babies under the water longer then we do here in the US. I noticed that in this video.
07-09-20 10:18:51
Puckerfence ::: Favorites
that guy isnt wearing gloves
07-09-15 16:10:30

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