Thursday, September 13, 2007

Axel Is Going Down In Flames

Duration: 04:48 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-09 21:19:29
User: Kurokari
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Well here's my 22nd video. This one is a tribute to the wonderful Axel of Kingdom Hearts II. I hope you like it, I'm not sure it came out the greatest... haven't made an AMV in awhile so I'm guess this didn't come out the greatest... Hope you all like it. Enjoy! (Clips Downloaded from

CaliehStrife ::: Favorites
I always though Axel was like Riku! It makes sense, right?
07-07-07 13:39:11
KingdomHeartsLover91 ::: Favorites
I love the ending/credits and the song fits just too perfeckt for Axel! Keep up the good work!!!
07-07-04 20:01:26
narutoartfan ::: Favorites
yo axel is pretty much just like riku when they put there hands out to sora and sora best firend is riku and sora nobody is roxas which best best is axel and is a nobody who i guess is from riku and also that would mean axel is still alive because riku still live then axel is alive somewhere inside of riku ???
07-06-25 21:51:37
axelowns1337 ::: Favorites
w0000000t awesome song great vid axel ownz 5 stars i added 2 favorites
07-06-13 18:02:33
axeluver ::: Favorites
wow this is so cool
07-05-15 12:02:22
keybladechosen ::: Favorites
(....\............../....) . \....\........... /..../ ...\....\........../..../ ....\..../´¯.I.¯`\./ ..../... I....I..(¯¯¯`\ ...I.....I....I...¯¯.\...\ ...I.....I´¯.I´¯.I..\...) ...\.....` ¯..¯ ´.......' ....\_________.·´ .....l-_-_-_-_-_- .....l-_-_-_-_-_- YEAH!!!!!!!!!WHERES MY LIGHTER!!!
07-04-28 19:27:21
acidglow ::: Favorites
07-04-08 17:35:59
avatarbender12 ::: Favorites
the bastards didnt put enough Axel scenes on the game, for someone to make a good amv. im suprised u could though.
07-04-02 21:40:53
kingdomXwolfXdragon ::: Favorites
how do u save music on your file cos i'm planing on doing somthing like this
07-03-31 10:58:15
InuKuramasonlylover ::: Favorites
Pretty cool!!
07-03-18 18:02:31

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