Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Stargate Battle Royale

Duration: 03:49 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-13 16:37:38
User: dormbear
:::: Favorites

The Fan-made Series Finale is finally here.... After the break up of Colonol Sheppherds team, each member is faced to square off with each other and to get even... Who will become Victorious? And who will meet their fiery death? Let the Games Begin. Rodney Mckay Vs Colonol Sheppherd Vs Michael(wraith) vs Ronin Dex Vs group of maries. I kind thought this was an extremely hard project to edit since it's my first time editing with Adobe Premiere, i've worked with Final Cut heaps more before and that's why i'd really like to win the Mac book so i can edit more often on the Mac. If i do however win, DEFINITELY Guaranteed! that i will make more Stargate Battle Royale Short films.

fcukoffallday ::: Favorites
good work andrew =) you still suck but =D =P
07-06-16 04:25:48
annieB0 ::: Favorites
LOL i found it quite funny actually? but yeah @ least i get wats happening and stuff. good editting & funny music
07-06-18 09:41:07
LionessGoddess ::: Favorites
What's that song from?
07-06-24 16:52:55
dormbear ::: Favorites
kill bill and psycho
07-06-24 18:40:37
Dahellraider ::: Favorites
lol rodneykilled everyone lol hemusthave realy hated shepard
07-06-26 02:24:05
dormbear ::: Favorites
never give maniacs the pleasure of holding a p90
07-06-26 02:26:24
pathfindercia ::: Favorites
sorry, the video didn't do anything for me. just clips from scenes trying to make scenarios that don't make any sense. just my opinion though.
07-06-28 08:32:25
fraggledragon ::: Favorites
Very good, very cool!!! And thanks for the comments on mine too! Fraggle
07-06-29 10:17:14
JediTank ::: Favorites
hey, that was pretty neat buddy.
07-07-12 19:26:38
cliffordhenderson ::: Favorites
that sucked
07-07-25 14:13:10

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