Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Red Ninja - BMX Park Skate

Duration: 01:02 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-15 16:42:36
User: deathsythe212
:::: Favorites

Skateboarding around the bmx park.

zaracutebroadcg ::: Favorites
Find a fun fling today at DAYFLING dot COM
07-08-22 09:40:34
KawaiiKubi ::: Favorites
skateboard has little tricks i say use it if you set yourself up for some great evading manouvers like jumping over cop cards that try to run you down
07-08-19 01:00:10
gummychewybubble ::: Favorites
ive seen them all. i would stop making them. your making yourself look bad
07-06-08 16:59:24
octupus8 ::: Favorites
I have a comment. U suck. And I have a question. Y do u suck so mutch?
07-05-06 19:54:21
scottybmx ::: Favorites
fuckin freakssss
07-05-05 10:58:06
EnemyGwb ::: Favorites
hey that was ok but get the last bmx bike from shop class 5 and you can get a 1080 spin
07-04-13 18:43:04
octupus8 ::: Favorites
Try not using a skateboard because its not tha useful.
07-03-31 21:45:35
zupersanta ::: Favorites
the game sucks
07-03-03 07:43:45
Justinmillette ::: Favorites
YOU SUCK! and u know it
07-05-23 18:52:02
KawaiiKubi ::: Favorites
nah game rules, google it and you'll see your alone in this.....everybody wants bully 2
07-08-19 00:59:24
NoAlibi333 ::: Favorites
They shoulda put more ticks for the skateboard in this game.I used that little guy to get me everywhere.
07-02-20 13:06:58
hikariissoocute57913 ::: Favorites
wish u could grind (=()
07-05-25 17:48:29
ferrett4pompey ::: Favorites
get tony hawks game
07-02-18 15:25:43
ntg4567 ::: Favorites
u forgot a good trick i might post it to show u
07-02-18 07:04:22
975975 ::: Favorites
nice song
07-02-14 12:51:14
363498 ::: Favorites
07-02-01 19:02:43

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