Saturday, August 11, 2007

Michael Richards Goes Crazy

Duration: 167 seconds
Upload Time: 06-11-20 12:18:17
User: jmlgtube
:::: Favorites

A video of Michael Richards(Kramer from Seinfeld) ranting at someone, using racial slurs, for talking at one of his shows.

XzannX ::: Favorites
marcelorabago, said "in fact his career ended the day that Seinfeld did", Umm little news flash, It ended when Sein-shit started, Its the most lame attempt at a comedy ever and anyone who ever enjoyed it will die from aidz, nigra jim warned you pool's closed. =_=
07-07-15 06:03:16
robcano2424 ::: Favorites
i totally agree. its the same thing with crime. if i white man commits any crime against a black its automatically a hate crime. fuck those hypocrites
07-07-20 12:47:53
Sanref ::: Favorites
We don't have black people in my country, but we do have racism... Now, if anyone here reacted to a racial joke (or any joke really) like that they'd probably would have the crap beaten out of them. Yeah, send us your tough guys, and see how long they'd get to live with that attitude. Not that we're violent, but when we're insulted, we don't just talk big and cry around.
07-07-25 18:46:30
hapman1 ::: Favorites
nigger, nigger, nigger plz. who gives a fuck NIGGER
07-07-30 18:47:05
MackBone6765 ::: Favorites
This doesn't shock me, not at all, I'm black even I know that "all" white people are racist, I stay in the middle of GA, where it's rebel flags and people ridin spitting at you when they ride by, so this is nothing new to me, I feel sorry for white people they are born with so much hatred, and for the record the word is only true if you claim it, so those black guys were stupid for that.
07-08-01 21:21:17
dipsypoopoo ::: Favorites
why were people laughing, i can't believe someone didn't cap hiz ass
07-08-03 15:12:52
fgsfds8 ::: Favorites
Stupid niggers.
07-08-03 16:16:00
wirah ::: Favorites
ROOOOOOOOOOOFL hilarious !! Why are people getting upset over WORDS. ROOOOOOFL CHILL OUT
07-08-04 10:49:16
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07-08-07 16:25:53
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07-08-09 15:50:52

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