Wednesday, August 8, 2007

idiot rednecks got owned =P

Duration: 391 seconds
Upload Time: 06-08-21 23:02:10
User: Cam2on
:::: Favorites

stupid hillbillies decided to chase a guy in a beamer and get screwed over..

mcoo7619 ::: Favorites
You should have shot them.
07-06-26 12:41:19
mitsubishidiamante ::: Favorites
geez i would take the truck too!!! lol thats what they get for talkin shit!!! hahahaha!!!!!
07-06-26 20:08:19
CharlezBrincat ::: Favorites
F A K E x500000 this is shithouse and soooo Fake its not funny. Screw you !!!!!
07-06-27 04:27:52
YouRule888 ::: Favorites
Advice: If you ever go to a hick country, bring your gun.
07-07-07 01:15:53
clc666 ::: Favorites
this is totally fake every one knows every redneck has a shotgun.
07-07-11 04:04:44
mickthefixer ::: Favorites
excellent, shit kickers beware!!!!!!!!!!!!
07-07-17 19:28:26
SGTSAS ::: Favorites
Totaly owned!!
07-07-19 13:44:20
horsycos88 ::: Favorites
That's wat you get when you think you own the world :)) That guy with the BMW did good. Congratulations man :D
07-07-22 21:51:44
a2wiz ::: Favorites
Hahhahaha Nice took there Camera! "you got lucky tho most rednecks would pulled a shotgun on you!" =P But this is still REALLY funny!
07-07-28 17:00:36
Krazyness ::: Favorites
sounds like a bunch of haters int he car
07-07-31 21:24:03

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